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In Choosing Seclusion

Choice is a cause
Choosing brings effects.

Effects bring potential closure
Into perceived final ending.

Heart thoughts mitigate all
Rummaging memories

In choosing seclusion…
Quiet time, all looking for a fuller Self.

Please, no grief in this
Just joy, and understood tenderness.


Still, in understanding…

Tears of sadness and pain
Joy, and tenderness

All are Nature’s way
Of embracing Its Self

With me as the welcome party.

All the while Sun’s a’shining…
“In which ‘isness’, I wonder?”


For in this, one sees...
This me in I, again… expanding…

Towards enclosing effects 
Again within the whole of I… 
Though larger.

Hugging into a state of fully, balanced love
Or not…

Tears coming home to Earth-side
For reflection…

As was always intended
Tears, acknowledged, heralded as such… worthy. 

Joy or sorrow
The same… harsh water.


Turned to softer waters
Warming through the inviting, settled fires of skin

Into, around, absorbed into the more
Outside airs and spirits…
Streaming, steaming lightly

Drawn forth
Ah, to enter Earth’s softly sailing, misty airs

For more select flying in this world
Meeting more away-from-home-bound parts.


Home-bound parts… 
Looking for their own spirit-partners.

Oh see, they too are wily, absorbing 
Their needed life stream…

As spirit-to-spirit merges into higher natures
Providing their own heavenly comforts.

Truly all learning in this…
The Whole acknowledging…

The community knowing this eternal truth…

One is never truly alone.


Anywhere in the Cosmos finds this truth
Even into the Beyond Understanding.

Worth countless repeats…
‘One is never truly alone.’

I settle in, at peace knowing this…
Even drawing tears, welcome or not
Now understood… as my own truth…

One, truly alone…
That, I find smiling, is… an impossibility.

Copyright © Brian Rusch


Book: Reflection on the Important Things