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An Elated Mood

Calm halts clouds swollen with snow,
they will resent the continuous blow
of the four winds of bitter February;
an unleashed snowstorm is pure fury!

An elated mood rises amid the air of glumness,
April rain is far from the mornings of tearfulness;
snowy meadows will return to their vivid lushness...
even winter birds can't wait for spring cheerfulness! 

I fret thinking about isolated days,
activities are limited to sceneries;
be a skier and be ready for thrills:
see deer leaping on foxes' trails!
Walking is exploring the quite wilderness
under the glistening coat of magical whiteness;
Jays that ate berries miss their sweetness...
all birds rely on feeders on those harsh winters!   

Travel the whitened roads of the stunning wilderness,
they offer reflective poets joyful quotes of stillness;
a long ride on a saddle horse going at a slow pace
opens up the landscape to a stream with a lively dace! 

Copyright © Andrew Crisci


Book: Shattered Sighs