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Love unveils us from borrowed faces

Love unveils us from borrowed faces,
It tears them away, fear and longing, from the depths of our defeated chests.
I call it here "love," not just an anchor between shores of intertwined pulses,
But as a being of beings, a grace that leans on hidden branches.
Not in the naive, childish sense seeking solace in empty sweets,
But in the tenacious, honest sense of traversing untrodden paths -
A journey of purpose and restlessness, of pure risk and growth.
This love does not paint a smile on your face when you sit in peace,
But it is a fluttering of restless wings, daring to fly ceaselessly.
It pushes you to the edge of self-abyss, where you are less seen,
To sanctify in momentum and in the abyss, merging with the infinite human weep.
It does not let you sleep in the down of recognition, to be swayed by reflections,
Love - that stern mistress, polishes you in waves and waves of incomprehension.
It squeezes out the last drop of childish dreaming, dripped by insatiable desires,
And throws you back to the shore, transformed, with the soul of an awakened, fearless traveler.
Under the sky of this love, the world is never complete, always in a state of becoming,
Beyond the boundaries of comfort, an ecosystem of relentless evolution.
Embracing your mask in the flutter of wind confirms the balance and enchanted surrender,
You pass through fire and ice, unaware that this is the path to true known freedom.
And perhaps the true face is often more harshly drawn, less defined,
But love, in this world, turns windows into deep mirrors;
It makes us see ourselves not as separate singularities, but as interconnected islands,
Where the mask becomes a bridge between souls, and love - an ocean in which we dive without fear of swimming,
Aware now, that although we are born alone, together we shall grow.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Shattered Sighs