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Mary Ma Gargano Boys

Mary Gargano the key player in covering the drug monies and drugs that ran from Milwaukee pitstop in Chicago Antioch Danville Marietta Georgia straight to palm beach blvd. Ciro Gargano his business partner Hayes stopping to invest into Tampa Bay strip climbs funny I was in Cleveland 1992 on the front page of healthy start magazine pregnant after working with special agent Leroy Heimbach supervisor of Milwaukee FBI taking down corner store merchants trading wic coupons for weapons resulting in several murders in Milwaukee meanwhile Ciro Gargano his business partner connecting actually paying my phone bills as I kelp in constant contact with Mary Ma Gargano we’d been talking since 1984 constantly about her boys Ciro Peter and his partner Hayes Ma considered him one of her sons Ciro and his partner this operation began long before I met these two it ran on the streets and behind bars dropping off at Ma little bungalow with bay front windows and two dolphins Moreno drive fort Myers ironically Ciro partner was kind he adored my children all children he drooled over me this pissed Ciro off at any rate his partner was devastated to find me living in a domestic violence shelter he told me find an apartment this is no way to live it was over crowded we were traumatized by the abuse so I found a place no worries it wasn’t long before my abusive ex bashed in windows doors shooting in my attic two bullets one for him and one for me I left everything and relocated to Cleveland starting over wasn’t easy but we were safe retired sheriff Charles Williams took care of us CIRO’S Gargano and his partner Hayes began plotting their new endeavors with the drug monies and drugs stashed at Ma house all these years this sweet little old lady helped them invest just like the lady on the movie goodfellas I contacted Milwaukee FBI for answers before long Ciro ratted out his partner after he left his car lot with a van full of drugs Ma held on to the stash waiting for Hayes his business partner to agree to release the funds i wrote Hayes afraid suicidal from break ins my poetry threats he told Peter to take care of me peter was furious a few days later a car bomb ignited my skull I didn’t want any thing to do with any of them as I lay bleeding letters came in lawyers doctors insurance companies Peter took care of everything while ear pieces in my parking lot when Peter Gargano arrived with proposal I didn’t want anything to do with so he began embezzling my traumatic brain injury claim to launder the drug monies that was peters grand plan with my abusive ex Ciro his partner and his silent partner Ma Peter sent the stash to mother Ruth the old lady who lived above me she held the package awaiting for Ethel and her husband Bishop gray to arrive from Ohio ear pieces still  parked non the wiser when Cleveland picks up the stash from mother Ruth Gargano and his partner used elderly aunts their mothers their mothers friends including women from the church to get mortgages loans at 2am in the middle of the night to bail them out exchanging shopping bags full of cash for mortgage papers by putting properties up fast to launder stash of dirty monies from Milwaukee to palm beach blvd. Fort Myers the Fbi was getting close parked in my parking lot not realizing the key player live above me mother Ruth Ethel’s roommate mother Ruth let Ethel move into her house yes indeed mother Ruth who always got her mail mixed up can’t blame her these old women had to pay for prescriptions so they did small favors for wiseguys like stashing packages until the feds pull off finally Peter gathered all the players and dealers to spare Ma this unseen grief Ethel followed Peter instructions and fled with the stash keeping Milwaukee FBI agents scratching their heads meanwhile a few corrupt agents were paid off and actually helped to launder the stash under my traumatic brain injury claim while Ethel and her husband bishop gray laundered through Cleveland Ziebach day and night care the key players were actually two little old ladies ma and mother Ruth god rest their souls that’s how Peter Gargano launder the drug stash and monies like a bale of cotton through his niece Sandi and Ethel to pay for real estate licenses Peter was swift in investments more swift in embezzling my traumatic brain injury claim laundering a 30 year stash of cash and drugs this operation was to set me up on my death bed October 2003 after the car bomb attack for contacting the Fbi but ironically I survived Peter had been cheating on his wife with Ethel for years so he decided to add Ethel in the score to set me up and fool the Fbi while the Fbi was folding pages high lighting old Christmas cards letters on my nightstand including Hayes address book he dropped it in the snow after visiting me at the shelter taking down my number my mothers number to keep in touch he said he was finally getting out changing his life for me I knew Gargano wasn’t going to allow that at any rate my presence always made him lose all train of thought i found the address book on the ground in the snow after returning from getting restraining orders I never returned his address book filled mostly with Gargano family members his sons lil Pete Antioch eagle feather Antioch Nina Antioch and Ma scores from card games she played with the boys besides he turned himself in right after getting the kids and I into a safe place meanwhile the Fbi was busy highlighting the address book and Ma scores from card games in a scrapbook on my nightstand I knew they we’re trying to frame me on my deathbed for a huge operation Ethel left me a note they setting you up to bless you suffering traumatic brain injury I ignored it I was too broken disabled truly while Peter settled the scores of a 30 year money laundering drug score right under their noses ma barker boys Mary Ma Gargano boys from Madison Wisconsin killed me by bomb like the movie cotton comes to Harlem only cotton came to Ma house Moreno drive Fort Myers

Copyright © Yolanda Nicholsen


Book: Shattered Sighs