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The Charcoal Man; Part One

Readers note; Wrote this story concept five years ago. Have an additional fifty pages if interest spikes.

The Charcoal Man; Part One

Cohen & I were sitting in class whilst Mrs. Knooman picked up a withered piece of chalk we had never seen before. It had what appeared to be a sigil of a red eye on one side and a man without a face on the other. Was scarily eery. But I don't think Mrs. Knooman noticed.

She was a piece of work that woman. A right slag if you ask me. Hates her job, most likely her life too. Pretty sure her partner walked out on her when they couldn't bare her nonsense any longer. Honestly felt somewhat sorry for the broad. 

I started bickering with Cohen as Mrs. Knooman turned around, after finishing drawing a circle no wider than a ruler. ''You halfwits need to pipe down before i decide to front a story to social services about how your families beat you.''

As me & the enitre class shrieked at what this woman had just said, the chalk seemed to...Churn, it was almost as if it was dissolving into the chalk board..But the board yet remained. Mrs. Knooman was in such a sudden rage that she hadn't even realised what was happening.

The chalk was gone on the board now, only leaving behind an outline of where the white tracing once was. It looked peculiar though, almost unsymmetrical to the touch. I was definitely right about that too..Because just as I and the entire class had noticed, a hand emerged from where it seemed crooked. The tips of the nails had just been sharpened, they were blacker than the blackest charcoal you could dig from the Earth's soil...And they just kept on seeming to grow.

I was stunned, there's a damned hand coming out the chalkboard. Cohen started screaming like a child. Right as he did, the hand shot out what now seemed like a doorway and opened it's palms to reveal eyes as red as thick flowing blood. Mrs. Knooman stopped yelling and turned to see this handeye looking directly at her.

Part Two Continues-

Copyright © Mr Pickles


Book: Reflection on the Important Things