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Read Shopkeepers Poems Online



unsuccessful humanness

The forest he traveled had many narrow paths, there was always something new to see, like the white tree that
once wanted to be the biggest to dominate the forest
but hubris had gotten it, and for no reason, he thought
of Israel as a wrong plant among coniferous trees.
In a glade, where rabbits sat when catching the morn sun, a group of people had occupied the clearing 
their leader, an enormous woman with fake blond hair
her husband was a hateful one seeking vengeance for 
slights he had suffered, it had given him an ulcer 
A tall man with three legs, one shorter than the two 
another leg, the short leg, had a shoe like the type jesters 
wear, but there was nothing funny about him 
 he wore a prop gun, and his dream was to go into show business
The ensemble of shopkeepers unshaven
 busy selling 
dreams and stolen inventions.
They were the result of a mad scientist who thought that since he was blessed by God
 could improve on his 
work and create a space on land that belonged to grazing sheep, olive trees, and people who were not in a hurry when the sun said it was midday.
Clearly, he was not welcome, left and afraid for the future 
A week he drove back to the parcel in the woods
the botched humanity had vanished, instead 
I saw 
a carpet of white butterflies, disturbed by the sound 
of his bike. 
Took flight and looked like a cloud seeking protection 
from a cumulus on the blue sky of eternal peace. 


Copyright © Jan Hansen


Book: Reflection on the Important Things