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Name Your Angel and Demon

Knock, knock, scritch, scratch
Who’re banging at the old door?
The other whispers hushly
Give in to the turning knob
The good one is no help

Nameless twins barge in
An angel and demon greet
One my bruised conscience
The other a swelling desire
Give their titles respect

Names take their power
Don’t I know their labels?
One demands a stiff drink
The other shyly sipping tea
Tell them to sit or rollover 

With names undiscovered
A carrot stick does not tempt
A devils’ eclair batons will bash
They battle for my will
I’m to blame for them 

No naming, one overtakes
The elusive one holy as mist 
The other solid as dopamine
What are they doing here?
Call out their names to leave

Last call to Beelzebub 
Ask Gabriel to stay
But, they are bound to me
Shove one out the door
Conscience will leave

To be free of my Desire
Then Gabriel wants company
Naming them, won’t be enough
Wish I had no four names 
At the last table like Christ 

When our time is up like Him
When my house and door falls
He’ll call us Judas sweetly
Gabriel, Beelzebub, and I
Chasing 30 silvers, be back

We exit the door to betray
Dragging Gabriel to the bar
Lead to a strange fruit hanging
Desire clutching our reward
Our war'll be over in slumber

Copyright © Triny Xiang


Book: Shattered Sighs