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There Are No Hard Days Riding A Bicycle Across The US

I've spent a great deal of time riding alone this last week. Many of the roads we have been on do not have a shoulder making it impossible to ride side by side. There have been so many hills I don't believe I will ever be able to convey to anyone how trying it can be emotionally to be faced with such an onslaught of repetitive redundancy. Yet there is no choice, no other way, no escape from what must be done. Riding across this country has brought each of us a  tremendous amount of joy and satisfaction. We have found beauty,  been amazed and overwhelmed at what we have seen and encountered. At the same time there are moments, even days when I simply find myself resolved to complete the days ride. This resolution does not remove the joy or the beauty, but it is a flowing undercurrent which must be recognized. I admit there are days when I wish the mileage assigned was shorter. Perhaps as short as riding across the street in order to drop in for a Big Mac or even a order of nachos. 
This journey is not an easy one. It is not unbearable or unpleasant but it is taxing. What makes it that way is  there is no  "Easy Button" when it comes to being faced with 45 more miles of hills and wind after my body and mind are telling me the 60 miles I have already ridden thus far today are enough.
Sometimes the road takes a turn and gets easier, sometimes it turns and test the willingness of my spirit even deeper.

It is at these moments that I search myself, question my resolve, my commitment. I think of my teammates who struggle on these very roads with me. I think of multiple myeloma patients who follow this epic journey. I think of the days when it is difficult for them and their inability to find an
 " Easy Button ".  The true enlightenment comes when I ask myself " what is a hard day ?"  because the answer rings clear. 

"There are no hard days when riding my bike". 

The road may bring challenges and test my endurance but eventually I find my way to a hot shower, a relaxing meal and the satisfaction of knowing my trial has past. This is not the case for most patients, their trials continue night and day. We raise funds in the hope that new research will bring the day when these individuals will rest well at night knowing their trials have come to an end. When challenges rise before me I remind myself how blessed I am to be with my friends, my teammates as we ride our bikes for a worthy cause. 
There are no hard days for us, only temporary moments of challenge. 

Copyright © Darrell Rose


Book: Reflection on the Important Things