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Empowering Peace

All my favorite on-line EarthJustice
and Transformation
and Compassion
and Global Peace resources
are scientifically
and inter-religiously sure
we have all the information
and physical resources needed
for optimizing global healthy wealth,
and multiculturally

Yet, at yesterday's municipal youth and family services
community advisory board gathering
I was not clear
that anyone else in this squared circle
thought we might better empower youth

with or without mindfulness
ecotherapeutic practices
to learn, mentor, experience nonviolent communication
healthy dialogue opportunities
at home,
faith community,
town and board and healthy democracy meetings.

And, then, reflecting on these discussion experiences
through deep listening
with cooperative team learning,
mindful compassion engagement
in warm restorative
co-invested trust-building awareness
that it is OK,
imperative in fact,
to give priority discussion to our own past feelings
of empowerment
and enlightenment
and present feelings of disempowerment
and cloudy confusion,
cognitive/affective dissonance
illuminating memories of past resonance

Feelings that active anti-communication
and more passive discommunication
and strategic miscommunication
are not the same
and yet are all in negative contrast
to win/win multicultural healthy wealth communication
of compassion

Warm mutual regard,
deep listening acceptance,
nuanced appreciation;
which could not compromise solidarity
and trust
and not just tolerating 
but courageously and curiously engaging
anger and fearful chaos,
and cautiously managed mistrust.

compassion across cultures
and traumatic climate histories
and multiple generations
empower productive bodies
and regenerate meaning-filled sacred minds
co-empathic LeftBrain mental health
and co-passionate RightBrain spiritual wealth
of bicamerally co-operative communication.

It might help
if the bipartisan city council
would accept the Restorative Justice 
peer mediation team's invitation
to discuss negative concerns
and positive feelings
about transformative
unconditional warm co-passion,
mutual regard,
expansive curiosity,
depolarizing intent
healthy trust
v unwealthy mistrust,
business as patriarchally
anthro-monotheistically benighted
win/lose competitive
leftbrain dominant
chaotic dissociation

Cognitive/affective chronic trauma
inducing lack of respect
for multiculturally astute
mental/physical hybrid health
meaningful co-passionate
and trusting
and vulnerable 
depolarizing dipolar communication

About feeling frustrated
that we apparently know how to achieve global peace
but can't figure out how to empower
our local at-risk adolescents
with significant trauma histories
triggered in isolated dysfunctional families

Trauma punishing schools and school board
and lose/lose reactive municipal governments
and resident association meetings
about uncivil wrongs
and civil rights
and liability insurance
and not compassion reliability assurance

Not really articulate
about best practices
mindful mental/spiritual indigenous health 
is nondualistic cooperative wisdom wealth
That could systemically support
deep listening co-passionate
multicultural trust co-investments
in restorative health justice mediation
movement communication
memory reassociation
motion mindbody reconnection
muse sublimation
music reiteration
multiculturing circles
of integration

And grassroots social justice immersion experiences
and global outdoor cooperative nurturing 
nutritional ecosystemic peace 
compassionate win/win strategic 
mental health initiatives
for resilient dialogue
and ecotherapeutic design,
resonant singing
sustained polypathic empowering commitments,
politically resilient 
full-circle starlit dancing.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs