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Every Line A Sentence

The afternoon's a fire, but my head still frozen to the pillow.
The fan blows soft and I lay softer.
Without a signifier I'll get up for the 4th hour in a row,
I'll stay ignorant to all the day can offer.

That's the sixth day out of eight I've laid, late. 
Fostering doubt.
Guess I'll try out gout.
Stuck in the bed that I've made.

They took the trees down on Spring Garden
"Regrowth is a process" I said lying
I remember stretching out my arms when
I spread out these roots of mine.
Branching out, I watched bark harden
As we were dying on the vine.

I used to see the pasture line
Far beyond what I can describe
These days I just can't seem to find-
The right words
Make all the difference.

All your sins laid out before you, which ones would you keep?
What misdeed really makes you proud?
I know you have one too, that ball of black down in the heart, deep.
But you just won't say out loud 

It's okay, take your time 
It's a tough question I know
Could be a theft, maybe a lie.
Could be something darker though.

I betrayed the one I loved
I did my very best impression of Brutus 
It's what I'm most shameful of 
When I broke the trust between the two of us 

But it set off an avalanche
That broke the mountain, truly
Memories of our last dance 
Taunt and tease me cruelly
But then I saw another chance 
So I reached out and pulled it to me 

I was looking to come to terms 
With the people I hurt and the lessons I learned 
When I saw the sun set on the skyline through someone else's lens
And I waited for my new life 
And my old one to end 

It inspired me to live again
To put the past behind 
Take the opportunity to make amends 
"Regrowth is a process" 
I mean it this time.

So this is my confessional.
Every passage is a penance. 
I put myself on trial.
With every line a sentence.

No doubt it was bad, I couldn't prove you wrong.
Afterward it really dug into me 
And I tortured me for so long 
But there's a lot to personality, 
People are complex 
And when you do the work it seems 
Your personage resets 

So judge me all you want you see
I'll gladly be the black sheep.
Because without it all where would I be?
All my sins laid out before me, which one would I keep?
I think I'll just keep all of me 

Copyright © Matt Farabaugh


Book: Shattered Sighs