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Indigenous Wisdom

Back in the day,
before right hand
leftbrain dominance
became our mean girl
weaponized thing

Our bilaterally balanced grandmothers,
whether Eastern Taoists
or Western Animists
(and almost certainly both)
did not think to separate
Left from Right,
mind from body,
passion from pleasure,
if only because our peak experiences
are more co-passionately resonant
than mind v body dissonant,
unhealthy spirit v nature dissociative.

Our great-grandmother MindBodies
could feel
and touch,
and taste,
and see sacred ecology
long before patriarchal SunGod priests
started assuming monotheistic anthrosupremacy

While their grandmother partners
remembered more unitarian synergetic experiments
arousing healthy passion values
rooted in cooperative win/win 
nondualistic passion/pleasure.

To this day,
when we sing and dance
mind/body co-embedded,
preverbal indigenous wisdom
looks through capital-crown chakra
and feels through pelvic-root chakra

neurosystemically emerging up
and branching out
from souls of bilateral feet,
crown/root holistic
open-heart wu-wei engaged
muse motion 
depolarizing emotions
anticipating passionate in/ex-haled pleasure.

This looks and feels quite different
than the monotheistic priest
invoking his LeftBrain dominant chant
through his crown chakra
filled with orthodox information
coming off the black and white written
full or empty
true or false
yes or no notation page

Read through eyes
to be translated by his throat,
supported by his anthroprivileged abdomen
to produce correctly transcribed sounds
emerging out of his well-capitalized mouth

Correct words
premeditated intervals

Desecrated male bodies,
half-living in LeftBrain dominant minds,
reflect west European verbal expression
from the neck up,
with support from the heart chakra core
to orchestrate correct instrumentation

While indigenous RightBrain mindbodies
muse full-souled engagement
anticipating peak compassion pleasures
reflecting UniversalMind,
and UnitarianBody,

Yang/Yintegral embodied
head choreographer groin dancing
resonantly voiced and resiliently choiced
orchestrating and co-mediating
passion and pleasure
anticipating EarthThrival Communion.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs