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Raggle Taggle Gypsy

Raggle Taggle gypsy boy born somewhere different in the countryside, though not far from a big city. Hanzi, at the age of eight he used to live as a gypsy boy, going from here to there and everywhere. He has never had the chance to go to school, but he loved to dance, sing and playing the bagpipes. His father used to take him to the pubs on the back of the horse up and down drinking and singing until the dawn. As his father was usually drunk, Hanzi used to take him home one night after night. Engaged to the instruments he practised every day when time gave him the chance. Poor raggle taggle gypsy boy, he was so depressed but talented as nobody. He was an adult boy at his early age. He left his routine and went to the outskirts of Glasgow as a raggle taggle gypsy boy. He played his music begging on the streets, violin, pipes, flute and more, only for peanuts and applauses. Hanzi wanted another life, far from the one he had before. Many years after dancing from here to there, he was playing in a pub in Glasgow when he met this princess. Leah was her name, very rich lady lost in the night cocktails, looking for youngsters gypsies to spend her live with. Hanzi embraced her as a friend, never as a lover, he was poor but honest. He was only twenty and he wasn't in love. Leah didn't care, she saw a raggle taggle gypsy boy going to somewhere in his life and she joined him to follow his star.

Copyright © Maria Fernandez-Garcia


Book: Shattered Sighs