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Watering Gaian Grace

One of the least talked about,
yet most problematic issues
for regenerating  

mental and physical
health and public safety

Well fed and watered
to empower and enlighten interfaith
action and reflection,
song and dance
liturgical and fire-circle
contemporary-indigenous wisdom

Is to explore together
how and when to work around
and with patriarchal clergy leadership.

Even if a skilled multicultural facilitator
invites a lay-leader on-line discussion group
of cooperative environmental health concerned parents
and teachers
and preachers
and secular/sacred town leaders,

Even if a restorative justice advocate
for cooperative predator/prey dialogue,
steeped in non-violent communication deep listening experience,
were to invite a like-minded reading circle,
and/or a singing/dancing multicultural liturgical celebration planning committee,
and/or an organic community gardening and composting neighborhood
interfaith movement
toward local and regional food and health resilience projects,
and/or tool and transport and home sharing cooperative management,

By asking faith community leaders
to commit to on-line dialogue
for a specified number of events,
over an agreed upon period of time
in weeks
and/or months
and/or years,

CoInvesting in strongly StraightWhiteMale privileged monocultures,
like degenerative caste systems,
like capitalism,
like competitive partisan debate patriarchalism,
like either/or deductive LeftBrain debate dominant thinking
and not so much intuitive, contextual, interdependent,
interfaith dialogue feeling,

Priests or evangelical preachers and rabbis,
and all religious professional teachers,
both economically and politically dependent
on corporate faithfulness and integrity,
will, at best, select their most powerful surrogates
to speak up and out for their home faith communities.

Instead of starting with clergy meetings
to inform and invite faith community buy-in,
maybe it is our revisioning Public Health Emergency time
to go directly to the local newspapers,
to localized chat rooms,
to Facebook pages of local congregations,
to City Hall on-line conversation boards,
to the local utility company,
to parent-teacher dialogue rooms,
to volunteer Sunday/Sabbath teachers
and deep listeners,
to community gardener websites,
to library chat rooms,

To any and all local byways and on-line direct highways
to connect
and reconnect with local feminist political leaders
and faithful everyday practitioners
in the League of Women Voters,
the NAACP,
Adult Education Curriculum Screeners,
Senior and Youth Centers,
wherever we might discover,
recover memories of supportive youth
and women's circles,
liberating libraries,

Wherever we might still look for education that is deep listening
and Right/Left bicameral dialogue-friendly.

Where are these potential ecowomanist
green cooperative
co-investing religious and humanitarian educators,
multicultural facilitators,
polycultural nutrition and communication moderators,
polypathic mediators of spiritual context
for natural health and integral wealth-resilient
empowering and enlightening resonant compassion 
planning circles?

Let us now invite each and all responders
to a Zoom meeting.
Offer an initial agenda
for an Adult Education 
Public yet Personal Health Empowering Event

CoHosting gratitude for humanitarian/divine grace
to share compassion interfaith held,
to take care of,
to feed and water
our cooperative
co-invested green passions,
our interdependent reweaving songs
of EarthDay journeys,

NonViolent compassions
natural and spiritually indigenous wisdom
restoring egocentric lack of peace
by restorying our co-investment
in systemic EarthJustice
rather than xenophobic  hate hysteria

By expanding empowerment-model dialogue circles
to actively enlighten this healing process
of win/win

To shrink our unenlightened
polarizing debates
in public unhealthy squares
of uncivility
and private unwealthy stuckness

In webs capitalistic
LeftBrain anthrosupremacist
now recognized as eco-politically disempowering
and ecologically unhealthy
and theologically bereft
of our own everyday ecofeminist natural experience
discontented and impatient
with sectarian monoculturing apartness
gumption traps
repeating verbal sticking points
like ballistic automated weapons,

Regenerating democratic energy 
progress only to regress
degenerative elitist-professionalized,
kinda bureaucratically patriarchal sometimes,
lack of emergency powers
for public health disaster fluidity.

Then and when
has become Here/Now
moving to seeing
cooperative budgeting,
and incubating song
and liturgical dance performances,
installing reformances,
health preformances
non-sectarian Anthro-MonoCulture unformance

By compassionately listening
for spiritual/natural peaking experiences
co-arising healthy wealth green communions
of egocentric-ecosystemic
bicameral health and safety restorations

For EarthGreen Peace
resilient Cooperative Justice
through interfaith direct grassroots dialogue
engaging local ecofeminist leaders
of nonviolently repurposing
interdependent EARTHeoLogos

Sometimes polytheistically Green Muses,
Sometimes monotheistically Red,
Sometimes transubstantiated full sacred
and empty secular communion,
Yang inhaling
and Yintegral exhaling together,
restoring and unstoring,
restorying health
to unstory red dominant anger
LeftBrain historically predominant
absence of Whole
Holistic MatriSpiritNatured NonZero

DNA interfaith four-season/strand stewardship
of Earth's cooperative co-inviting
4D co-investing co-empathic
neurosensory communication systems

Preferring win/win positive organic Paradise
of co-passions
non-violently communicating
by reiteratively recycling
spiraling dynamic FullOctave Beauty becoming
compassionate local public health communities

Still capable of sabbath fire circles
celebrating our healthiest full-diverse cycles
of Yang/Yintegral EarthJustice.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Reflection on the Important Things