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The Geneva campaign

Some responsible humans, are beating a path to 
A nondescript country' may they focus real heat.!
On the coldness we know of' how much more hides away?
Is there love in that nation; maybe those native will say.?
I would they will come out in welcome? flowers to place.'
Before these good spirited visitors, who care; all's not to waste
Are there good Swiss folk? Who'll succour? Believing no lie'
People who'll  accept other humans.' Maybe they'll stand up?
In their thousands, to reject evil plans.' Linking arms
Sharing stories of how better things could be.?
Will they challenge any prejudgment, indeed it might be me?
Yet..No.) I am, as are those marching, ready to cheer! 
Should the Swiss' prove their mettle' in a denying of fear.! Oh
May such so be.' And if God wills? there"ll be quality too there' so great!
And also much honour, we all watch to see.! A lot rests with the Swiss.'
Will they now. Rise? To find..' Good reason, and spirit'' of truth
 Also liberty? Maybe just in time.!

Copyright © Joe Maverick


Book: Reflection on the Important Things