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Unveiling Our Myths

Muffled voices in clouded corridors,
where legends mold the unseen,
drifting through thoughts like specters 
bestowing authority upon the mysterious.

In politics, a performance: 
marionettes on a dream-filled platform, 
ballots cast for favor 
lies woven with words 
strands of optimism and dread 
woven in imperceptible restraints.

Religion, with its narratives,
deities and monsters depicted in faith 
comfort sought in fables 
significance discovered in customs,
fleeting peace in their presence 
prayers ascending, vapors in thin air.

Daily rituals of superstition 
a black cat crosses the path, a broken mirror 
navigating through symbols 
interpreting with outdated understandings,
guided by obscure beliefs
apprehensive of uncertainties.

What if we dared to look behind the curtain 
to view the myths we hold; 
What secrets lie beyond?

Copyright © Don Iannone


Book: Reflection on the Important Things