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Just For Giggles

For those who don't read blogs or know of Jan's successful first book, I've written a limerick for her and included it in my comment on her blog. She's included her interview in a podcast. I was asked to post my limerick here as well.  If anyone would like to write a limerick in honor of her first publication, please join in and send me a limerick, or even a note to congratulate her.  Thank you.

Jan, our Queen of Poop has a sexy voice
Crowned as Limerick Queen, she is our choice
But oh my lordy
Some are quite bawdy
Book sales are good ~ she's getting a Rolls Royce
                                  by Lin Lane

Jan's poems are clever and funny too
Full of bawdy lines and some about poo
Comedy at its best
Her poems will attest
Read" A giggle a day" to not feel blue
                                by Tania Kitchin

No rolls Royce or Winnebago camper van
A sedia gestatoria, for Jan
One with a floating loo
For outdoor number two
Carried shoulder high around the Isle of Man
                               by David Kavanagh

Jan Allison has written her first book
It was a mammoth task she undertook
Preview it on amazon
I'll guarantee you'll want one
I've read a bit and my whole body shook.
                              by Tom Cunningham

Jan nixed the idea of getting a Rolls
She opted to put wheels on toilet bowls
Her farts serve as a horn
She ignores those who scorn
And she never gets stopped to pay bridge tolls
                               by Mark Koplin

In a bathroom where tales tend to unfold 
And humerous secrets are often told
There’s a plop and a cheer 
Laughter rings loud and clear 
In porcelain chambers poems are sold
                               by Arthur Vaso

Poetry Soup’s Queen of Poop
has made herself a news scoop!
She published her book
and that’s all it took.
A second book is now in the loop.
                              by Linda Alice Fowler

Congratulations Limerick queen Jan
A poetess who’s from the Isle of Man
Pleased your book is a hit
A giggle a day gift
From an hilarious comedian.
                   by Beryl Edmonds

Copyright © Lin Lane


Book: Shattered Sighs