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From Spirit to Flesh

Peaceful existence as a Being of light;
Not of flesh, not of clay, nor soil, yet made.
Created with the Breath of Life. 
     Spoken into miraculous awareness from the lips of The God, Jehovah,  The Righteous and Powerful ‘I Am.’ 

     I am here. Alive, as a Spiritual being with a soul.  A soul,  my Self, my mind and heart, was created by God and urged into this divine Spiritual form to love, serve, give, and receive goodness and light forever and ever. 

     Lucifer, that beautiful angel of light, our Father's third in command, has rebelled.  
If Jesus is His right hand, then Lucifer is His left. Jealousy, envy, pride, greed, lust and covetousness has warped his mind and heart; Deformed and Dark, his true calling from righteousness... turned into evil.
     How many have been tainted and turned by his eloquent speeches, his wisdom, beauty, seduction, and intriguing ideas?
 The seed of rebellion was planted in every heart. Some watered and nurtured this seed until it sprouted its black tendrils of hate and deceit, choking off all goodness, all light. 
Others immediately cast the seed out! We stood strong against Lucifer's deceit and darkness. 

     The Father rooted this evil out of the Kingdom.  With a wave of God's strong arm, the wicked rebels who lead this mob were cast out of Heaven. In His righteous anger, God shook the earth and the heavens! The great katabole, the overthrow;  Lands separated, mountains toppled into the oceans which bubbled, hot and steaming. Animals died by the millions. Gone now are the giant behemoth, the colossal beasts that ruled the earth for thousands of years. 
The Great cities we built and enjoyed were turned to dust and ash, blown away by the roaring wind of God's rage. 
And now, a choice is made.
      No longer the perfection Father formed, we were corrupted and in need of Forgiveness and atonement. God laid out His plan. 
A new form, a new body, yet the same soul and self will He create…a body made of corruptible flesh. A mind, limited and without recall, without memory of this first age.  Our mission is to choose.  Without the knowledge of this Kingdom before, only knowing emotions and feelings that create such a need, a longing,  a hole inside that we will be forced to seek what will quench this ache. Choose to do good, to love others, love ourselves, love, love, love! 
Or…choose selfishness, greed, pride, all of the desires of those who rebelled. 

     That is our task, our mission in this second age of flesh. If we choose good and God over self and the Son of Perdition, Father will forgive us and bring us back into the Kingdom and back to our beautiful incorruptible bodies of Spirit! 

There must be a sacrifice however. 
 A price must be paid to cleanse us from sin. Only a perfect sacrifice would be enough to save all of the souls God formed. The mighty person of God is a trinity…three parts of a whole. The Father, The Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. This Spirit of God will comfort and lead us while we journey this unfamiliar and heart breaking world. And Jesus is the only one who can be the sacrifice. 
     Father nodded His head," I will do this because I do not wish to erase your existence, but I cannot allow corruption in my kingdom and in my presence."

And so the perfect Earth became dark and void. And God spoke again into the darkness, “Let there be light!”
     Broad, strong, divine, and kind hands reach deep into the earth, the cold wet soil, and
 He begins. 

Genesis 1:1-3 KJVS
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 2:7-8 KJVS
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Copyright © Crystol Woods


Book: Reflection on the Important Things