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Read Inbetween Poems Online



Tainted fate was broadcasted this afternoon, 
and the life of which I had called mine 
was pasted into the dreary news. 
Quoted as a mundane, overused headline. 

But I saw it for what it is within; 
naked and sunken where bones meet skin, 
a sullen little echo of mine.

Steering down memory lane, 
grazing fingertips over the wind of essence.
Liberation courses through my veins. 
But I beheld a sudden strain upon my adolescence. 

Rebirthed into something strange
with an unfamiliar name and a staggering age, 
reality brought me back to the harsh presence. 

Then upon cruising, I met a crossroad;
a junction forking out into two pavements.
I stared at the uncertain threshold
and defined the pair as Sorrow and Resentment.

I sat mellowly in the inbetween, 
unsure of which path to intervene,
so I carved a new road and named it Acceptance.

Copyright © carmen rose


Book: Shattered Sighs