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Rungs of Hope

Life keeps going to find his purpose
he strolls across verdant plains and trudges up the hills
sometimes dejection follows rejection and distress
darkness engulfs
and something spooky emerges 
looming large to form something horrid…
a hideous hunchbacked hiatus.
Life slows down…wary of the 
impending hindrances for his progress
and there is a temporary pause.

This hideous hiatus distracts him, traps his mind, 
capable of taking any form…like

alarming anxiety… about denial and failure
gloomy grief… at the loss of a loved one  
frantic fear… of loneliness and uncertainty
abominable anger… that cannot be controlled
pernicious pride… without the grace of humility
disgusting jealousy… of others’ success
dreary vacuity… that fills the desperate mind

…it keeps hovering around on and off
in many more such formless forms

Yet something prompts Life to try to move.
He musters courage and proceeds further
as he imbibes wisdom
from little things he sees
in nature
in his day-to-day life…like:

A fertile green land in a vast sandy desert

Tiny seeds that spurt to grow 
into young new seedlings

The gleaming full moon
spreading soft light
upon dreadful paths at midnight

A toddler who tries to get up
and walk with wobbly steps
in spite of falling down many times

A ladder in which
hope takes her first step
in its rungs
and ascends to new heights
overcoming obstacles

The dots of a rangoli 
that would never let 
the motifs of our thoughts waver
imparting spiritual insights into life

A pure white dove
sitting with its pair
a sign of hope
of finding a lost love.

As hope follows every form of hiatus
like buds finding way to bloom 
at every trench of rocky soil
Life advances on and on…

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar


Book: Shattered Sighs