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Date:  April  2051
End of the first week of April 
late morning.

The Hakim Family was preparing 
For a quick exit. Desharah DJ 
Sashi Amadeus Amani and Jordan 
And Justin were in Desharah and
Sedanah's room with Damali. Sedanah 
Asked, "umm I wanna know how 
Long have we been here? Cause
It feels like fooreveeerrr!"  DJ grabbed
Sashi by her waist saying, "I admit 
I can not. I don know it something 
About breathing the air over there."
Damali said, "Yeah cuz you right
Definite the experience of this place
Though?" Amani Sedanah and
Desharah was discussing later plans
When Desharah brawled, "HOME COMING!"
I can't even wait to be back!"  
Amadeus grinned slyly, "I second 
The notion Deshi." DJ spoke, 
"Ayeh family we need to be down
To the Lobby to meet everybody..
So let's do that." Sedanah reached the
Door just as Tino Rico Jawah Nyaf 
Was about to enter. Jawah shot, 
"Hey you all going down now, right?"
Amadeus grabbed Amani's hand.
"What you think man!"  Jawah said.
"Yeah young cuz I think we pretty 
Late! Let us go!"  The guys chuckled
They met the rest of the family in
The lobby. They all departed by
Two limousines with much difficulty 
Small arguments problems a bit of
Family relations. Domonic and his
Family were in a separate car from 
Damian. Father Hakim Mama Lucinda 
Holly's Parents were in the back of
The same limo with Damian and 
Everybody else. The remainder of
The family rode with Domonic and 
His wife and sons. An hour ride to
The airport. Damian was in the front
Area of the limo with his wives, Sidney
Saderi, Sedanah and Desharah. Damian 
Was eyeing Holly, "Misses Hakim
I scheduled a doctor's appointment 
For you at that new state of the art
Clinic."  She asked, "Oh what date?"
"Two days." He replied ruggedly.
She said, "Fine I get to see what's
Going on in her." She rubbed her growing
Girth. Time passed the ride Was 
Shorter than expected. The other
Car arrived just 5 minutes behind 
Them. Domonic quipped, "We have 
About no time we should be boarding 
Any second. Damian checked the
Time. "Yeah grab your gear." 
An attendant notified them their
Plane was ready for them to board.
CJ lead the way, "Come on family 
Follow me." Their large group boarded
The two planes. Damian ushered.
Dolly babe, You" He he placed his arm
Around her Waist. "You're with me
And you too Molly Holly." He spoke
Turning to his side where they stood.
Nudging his two wives before
Him as everybody boarded. After
All were in their places, the pilot made
The announcement. "WELCOME 
Enroute to East USA. shortly." Upon
Take off the polit announced, 
"Hakim Happy hipsters we will arrive seven
Zero five!
At Nexus Airport state of the art with
Only a few improvements. haha! Sit
Back and enjoy you royal rambunctious bunch!"
Ten minutes in flight they chatted
Speaking of family happenings and
Happiness Damian was eyeing Holly 
And Holly eyed him back with dangerous 
Deliberate seduction. Damian laughed 
Lightly threw his head full of dreads
And said, "You are not coming this
Way babe!" She scoffed and turned away.
He laughed again saying, "You're 
My something Something my love,
But we just having man time here,
Alright dear.  She looked at him angrily 
And gasped. Then she turned to 
Molly and Dolly, "You hear this 'S bluh'
I'm a split away from cursing his 
Black ash out! Wooooo! Can't stand
Him!"  Molly and Dolly were wide
Eyed. And said not a letter. Dolly 
Turned to Molly, "See when we get
There sis." She put one foot on Holly's 
Seat and muttered, "You too love."
They all greeted each other temporary
Goodbyes and dozed for the remainder 
Of  most the trip. DJ Amadeus 
Damali and  Nyaf plus Rico and Tino
Sat with each other talking whating
Videos as time passed. Three hours
Later, "Damian brawled, "Touch down
On the ground!"  Justin Jordan Amadeus 
Expressed their of returning home.
"Home Run! aahaa ha Begun!" We're
Their brawny festive greet at the
Sight of seeing the airport grounds.
There were 3 stretch limos two were
Filled with Mama Daughtry and 
Mama Lucinda Ma Harvey and Dad
Harvey. The members took their places
And settled into luxury as the car
Occupants took notice of everybody's 
Attendance then the driver sped 
Straight flew over the road 80mph.
Only a 45 minute trip Damian Informed 
Them with him. Time fled they were
Excited to get back to new routines
They thought were perfect pursuits.
"Home! At last"  Amadeus was the first 
To plant his feet on the Pavement.
They they floated off slightly tired into
Separate directions. Next day:

Mama Lucinda and Dad were happily 
Finally home again in deep discussion.
"Ah Lucinda We just. We talk Nothing 
And everything. Stop. Inserting your
Damn self into into...ooh just
Relax Lu." He came close to her
And kissed her gently on her forehead.

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Reflection on the Important Things