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The Scriptureless Time of Christ I

The ambiguity of the life of the Christ-child, heralds, modern-day philosophy. Child protection should be absolute and definitive at any time in world history. There were hints or points towards the Christ-child but insufficient to elaborate scriptural validity other than noting his presence elsewhere.

It is a bold undertaking for each individual who have sanctioned their soul to partake in full knowledge by surrounding themselves next or near to the body of Christ, by earshot or eyesight of Christ's presence, or by words of those reliable sources to ascertain validity. 

Bold is a choice of virtuous hindsight, for their destined departure from this lifetime, will naught be of natural causes and beyond one's volition. Mayhaps oblivious at the time of their initiatives--or naught. 

Scripturally, martyrdom was noted of Christ and only that of James. Judas Iscariot, though took his own life, is considered one of the chosen. It is by other noted writers of the times, through their words of what they knew, or saw, or heard, the fate of the Apostles, of Paul, and even that of Mathias, did naught succumb to a natural death and it was beyond their volition, except that of John, who most believed was the only Apostle to have died a natural death. 

Before the Apostles, Christ appeared here and there, wandered in the wilderness, was baptized by John, went before the people--and naught the synagogues, till later. Again, in hindsight say I, Christ was establishing His Heavenly Father's House. First, the miracle worker needed to better each situation as it arose, bearing witness to the eye-opening crowds that were nigh. All of this was vital to the foundation of the Gospels and to the establishment of the chosen.

All of this has come to pass according to His Word. The other writers that followed thereafter, were mostly associated with the Early Church of Rome.

Copyright © Hilo Poet


Book: Shattered Sighs