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Read Gaza Poems Online


They didn't march

You say you care about people black and brown,
And victims of war in every Gazan town.
But I doubt your heart, here’s why I think it a trend,
For so many downtrodden you're no friend.

Slavery in the U.S., no one denies,
But 50 million slaves worldwide, can you help them rise?
Black kids shot in Sudan, en-masse.
Are you setting up encampments for them on the grass?

Millions met death in Congo; did you know?
Killed by other blacks, in what TikTok does it show?
Did you march for Christians, cut down by the score?
Slaughtered in Nigeria, where Jihadis wage war?

When Russian jets bombed hospitals, it worked quite well.
Their allies run Syria, blew their enemies to hell.
Did you march when 7 million Syrians had to flee?
You didn't know this happened - are you blind?   Can you see?

Did you march for Uighurs, stamped out like a flame?
Are you silent for Tibetans, did you chant, did you name?
Remember Vietnam, boat people who drowned,
Activists then fell silent, as if underground.

Where was the care, where were the cries?
Where were the marchers with tears in their eyes?
Do you examine the roots of the cause of the day,
Are your cause and motives as pure as you say?

Do you really know the world as it is?
Can you pass the real genocide quiz?
Is it about justice, or all about you?
The rest of us suspect that you don't have a clue!

Copyright © Gideon Oknin


Book: Shattered Sighs