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Mid December. Most birds have vacated our yard, having instinctively flown south for the winter.  Out of habit, I look out my kitchen window anyway, not expecting to see anything colorful amidst the barren tree branches. Then, something tiny flickers by, capturing my attention. I blink my eyes and move closer to the window.

Hovering on invisible strings over the hummingbird bird feeder is a tiny, cigar-shaped iridescent bird, its fluttering wings forming part of a sonnet to the air. Once satiated, it flitters away, resuming its migration giving colors to the sky and leaving a fresh canvas, ever part of the onwards moment. Watching a hummingbird is a rare treat this time of year, an unfolding moment to savor.

many miracles happen every day in life's unfolding moments

Copyright © Sara Etgen-Baker


Book: Shattered Sighs