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Fear of freedom

we are here why would we negate so we do accept this reality taking our stuporous aliveness within decaying organic form as the point of reference with which we begin Ramana’s inquiry who am I looking back at our life we notice our values shift also as in moment to moment there is fickleness in our response to life as it unfolds all around us but the screen of awareness upon which images dance always remains constant what is this screen which remains flicker-free through waking, dreaming and sleep wherefrom we always emerge unscathed even though we lose our awareness which is clearly quite stuporous even when we’re awake though ego opines otherwise this motionless screen which is the eternal witness recording our life without judging let us then choose to meld presence with it becoming still in thought rested silence simply watching the ebb and flow of thoughts and emotions within body-mind time flows on but we are resolute playing the waiting game seeking nothing simply looking fulcrum of our awareness centreless thus doing nothing we connect with universal consciousness imbibing direct knowing that transcends mind befriending silence we begin to live internally as a presence ensouling form thereby also becoming nonchalant immune from the vagaries of fickle fate whereupon our emptiness is filled with divine magnetism surreal which bestows on us bliss and light of our being what’s there to say we all are this living light which is veiled by thought forms spawned by imaginary ego identity which it is quite clear we are not but mankind is afraid to let go of dreams we believe real we hear Plato laughing allegory of the cave the truth is known but we all fear to accept how long will we trauma bond with ego a mere bubble of illusion that confines us in delusion is the question we each must ask the eternal presence within seeking our embrace within the cave of our heart

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