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You will untie knots from your chain, with trembling hands whistling in the wind

You will untie knots from your chain, with trembling hands whistling in the wind,
And you will be unstrung, in turn, from someone's necklace, like an exiled pearl.
Often, partings dress in mute garments, sleeping in the shelter of silence,
Other times, you'll be the silent saint, and your answer is the void left behind.
Sometimes time insists on washing the shores of your weary hearts,
And it will find you at the hour when the moon advances its circle, asking whose farewell it was.
Perhaps you will never know, but there is a quietude in leaving the unresolved in shadow,
A premonition in every knot left untied, an ecosystem regenerating itself.
No, partings are not rocky lands that desertify our spirit,
They are just chrysalides where butterflies ready themselves for another bloom.
In the concealment of each chapter's end, new characters prepare to enter the stage,
And every denouement brings you closer to the dawn of another beginning – a new odyssey pursuing its course.
Perhaps now you cannot see, for the veil of melancholy is thick and challenging to pierce,
But through the fine thread, the warp of another tomorrow is woven, in understandings beyond us.
And there will come a time, maybe when leaves arrange themselves differently on the branch,
And you will understand the hidden adventure, the weave of wisdom where every loss was, in fact, a gain.
In the epilogue of each person with whom you no longer speak, with whom you no longer walk,
There lies a prologue where different steps are set to be made,
And each residue of soul you leave behind, small or large,
Is fertilizer for the future territories of your heart that await conquest.
On the long road, inlaid with the gathered smiles and sadnesses,
You are the artisan of a journey ever-forming, until,
In the sparkle of moments, you will see – every departure, every union,
All... were not merely steps, but were dances in the grand ball of your existence.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Reflection on the Important Things