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Building a House

Building A House

A house of bricks, inside the body.
Bricks of strength, broader in length.
Pillars for hardship ,to bear the kinship.
The windows to be more precise,
in all its shape and size.
To Let not assumptions be made,
for what is unsaid.
Where the layers of confidence,
laid one upon the other.
Step by step, I go ahead.
Brighter, stronger, to revamp the misled.

The floor of the house, as simple as ground.
Roof on the top, gives a positive sound.
Tells me every moment, just go, let go.
The walls echoes forgiveness.
The counters groan in gratitude.
Trivial thoughts escapes through chimney.
Always ready to part, with my agonizing heart.
Yet, derf I practice.
To let my house not collapse in me.
Step by step, I go ahead.
For a better me, not be ruined instead.

A house within self,
equipped well by each one.
Along with the kind of thoughts that comes.
Arrives a moment to euthanize the structure.
Shaken to be shattered, loosen the booster.
Hereafter modification takes a chance,
a newer house is created at a glance.
A house more jubilant, more powersome,
residing in the heart of a mere handsome.
Step by step, I go ahead.
To focus on success, rightly read.

Copyright © Ruchi Agarwal


Book: Shattered Sighs