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Rhymes With Pathetic

By nature, zetetic,
he doubted the yetic,
but xenogenetic? That just seemed absurd.
A known workaholic,
scoured feeds from Videtics,
but was unsympathetic, in a word.
At best, theoretic,
and in large part, synthetic,
only the rabietic were on board.
Tilting towards quixotic,
their fevered ravings, phrenetic,
though onomatopoetic,
eschewed the noetic, impaled themselves on truth’s sword.
A parrot’s mimetic,
much like Loch Ness limnetics,
ignored body kinetics,
claimed pre-Japhetic disperse.
Yet still more idiotic,
seizing the hypothetic,
their case for genetics made worse!
But like all true fanatics,
the more so, emphatic,
they're left with a docetic sasquatch.
Finding all copasetic,
they get rather bathetic
when antithetic folk question their watch!


So, the original goal was a monorhyme using the '-etic' ending.
Then, I realized I might be able to use one on every line, from Z..A,
but I made a few concessions along the way, departing from '-etic' a few times.
And I added a little rhyme, using the '-etic' words within the lines...
And if the storyline is a little thin, don't wreck my aesthetic...

zetetic - skeptical, proceeding by inquiry
yetic - pertaining to all things Yeti :-)
Videtics is a real company that does AI analysis of video feeds
rabietic - relating to rabies
limnetics - pertaining to the deeper, open waters of a lake
Japhetic - pertaining to one of Noah's sons, so, basically, antediluvian
docetic - an early heresy suggesting only a spiritual body
bathetic - effusively emotional

Copyright © Jeff Kyser


Book: Shattered Sighs