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Elephant Elephant 
enveloping essence of Earth !
             I hear an elevated trumpet 
             far in elixired fair forests
my ears etheric ornaments 
in your eloping velvet ones 
             stroking my elfin questions  
                 expired breezes in your trunk

Aah !  Matriarch of my Planet enchant !
ensnaring mud you elliptically trample 
                    follicking fat babes engrossing 
       Excelsior Goddess enthroned 
under African Sun emboldened standing 
    Heart emancipated embroidered on a 
                    march through ember days
                          You sway embracingly away 

Elderberries energetically enrich your
  blinking beguiling navigation moves 
                    through seasoned landscapes 
                         ever wandering encounter 
                             my quantum questions into dew
grasslands singing grace
                    How you encape my ennui
                       to seek no encore, but enamour !

Did He dream ivory tusks 
          as elongated jewellery or 
                  carved knife handles
                         You timeless care not
sure treads through
    Love’s deserts lost
                  while cacti filled with nectar 
                  bitter, stare then jitter

Pine purity tall imbibing 
        your grey wrinkled wisdom
                      my enlaced questions for enquiry 
                 twinkle in your aeon eyes from            
heights of snow-capped 
mountains once you crossed to
                             lowly circus encrypting dance

How do I ode your enduring birthing body
when you humour my fanciful fate  
                 dissolving destiny in your sturdy legs 
          an eternal etching on my ebony forehead ? 

Creation’s Victory is all my
ensuing humility can encapsulate to
                essentially Elephant vibrate !


Copyright © Ghairo Daniels


Book: Shattered Sighs