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Room 251 13 th March 2024

Senate legal and constitutinal affairs reference committie convened
March 2022 one Senator presiding and two witnessing'
The room echoes as the warriors enter.! Almost equivelent to
The booming endorsements of the preceeding years yet ghostly 
Sounding echies now.. As hollow as the 
Misinformation endorsed by bribed and braindead govenments worldwide..' Yet here in room 251 let the world take note!
The reveal has begun.! This is where the false blood soaked sheet of
Concealment is being turned back, i feel really sick that
We ever got to come here, I am back at home, through the
Recording yet I am aware of how it has been impacted by
The current day dr menglers hitlers and climate lunatics who we
Allowed unchecked to formulate 'social engineering' now in
This most hienious manner, The echoes die down the
Senator chairing recognises and thanks the warriors for their
Prescence. Tony Nicolic states his law firm credentials also captain Graham Hood also Jhonny Larter paramedic and Dijana Dragomirovic ceo of the Australian medical
Network. Elyssa Woods also of the AMN, along with Anethasist Dr Vzn Zyl..' Tony Nicolic states  that
He has afforded legal support to 'the early freedom fighters' he did not mention in this that he did this free of charge.' Yet
I know that was the case..As what with the massive ( illegal  lfines ) that they were sentenced with, they could never have
Afforded his fees.' He states his professional status in
Various law arenas also he holds an honours dergre in the study if crimminaity..I especially note the feilds of crimminality and deception.' He also states a study at The Australian National University on
Book chapter titled Fraud and false claims being a culture within the pharmacutical arena that he worked on in 2014, He refers to professional
Doctors one being dr Peter Mc'cullogh, case reports and studies in virology and a
Treatment programme of efficacy upon 5700 patients, who had presented
With covid and were treated by US doctor Tyson, with methods radically different than those
Pushed by the W H O..' of those treated only 4 died, the rest recovered to
Normal health He states had these measures thousands of Australian lives  could have been saved, Tony next waves a document that looks four inches thick,
To illustrate his point.' The Seanator Chairing announces that this report will be accepted under advisement, offereng Tony the opportunity to abbreivate it if it is better for him, then turns his attention to
A miss Wood also of the A M N..Australian medical network, she gives
Her experience of the plan-demic course she makes her statement on
The overly restrictive climate of the Australian Government and A M A 
On down to medical professionals, that caused her to get suspended
Due to her professional and moral standpoint, Next the Senator chairing
The committe  Invites Dijana ceo of the A M A, to speak and to offer any
Opening statement, Dijana lists the fact that initally covid caught so many by surprise also the factors that led her to found the A M A In 2029 that was the fear promoted around covid  that became detrimental to 
Public health and the freedom of Doctors to assess patients and any
Medical interventions, with an analytical method, as they were forced to
Use only w h o methods, or face dismissal or suspension. At this juncture
I offer thanks for all these present and dear dr Mark
Hobart (who was the first i beleive to be victimised publicly his Sunshine
Practice raided) by police and had all patients confidential records taken
To be poured over by who?? A great Australian hero..! I wondered is he
Watching also.? I restart the video to see and hear Senator Malcom Roberts, ask Hoody to say his piece.' He starts by telling how he was put
Under pressure by the tyrannical alan joyce c e o of Quantas 2020 2023 how he spoke to three different doctors privatley who advised him it was
Too early to commit to the injection, yet asked him not to quote them as
As a source' when he asked why they said they were already threatened
With suspension should they so advise anyone, so he rang a management
Co-ordinator he knew, and said if I develop a new jet fuel? Will it be ok to
Fuel up a 737 embark 200 passengers and fly from Brisbane to Perth.?
Of course not; never! Was the reply, ok said Hoody, then how come you
Are asking me to inject my body with an experiemental medical fluid and
Get into the pointy end of that plane  and take off? All this when if I take
A cold and flu drug, and its detected by test i am not allowed to fly..Can
You tell me the logic?
How he had a meeting by pc with other like minded pilots, who wanted to
Fly..' Yet were concerned for their health

Copyright © Joe Maverick


Book: Shattered Sighs