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Broken promises

Promise me your hands will reach out
Resilient attachment starts in childhood
When the brain has colic outside the womb
A mother’s unconditional love soothes worries
When a birthday missed slices the cord
Like two neurons missing a connection
Like a power line cut sparking wildly
Broken wires can’t be mended by tape
Not like broken bones knitted by mitosis
Neurons grow old unable to divide
When a childhood is interrupted 
Axons miss their forlorn dendrites
A childhood interrupted skips a score
Add twenty years to a worrying child
Poor attachment is a forever handicap
The best we can do is read lips like the deaf
No one can heal a drum torn by parents
When attachment fails to meet expectations
The best I can do is take a detour to you
Remind me addictions are poor parents
Their embrace won’t last the night like you
Addictions arise when attachment fails
They lie, no one will love you like them
They are fickle friends when parents fail
I’m the axon looking for my dendrite
I’m the mouth reaching for the pacifier
I'll show up for my birthday
I must hold cut wires with both hands
Be the expecting wine looking for a glass
Resilient attachment takes a detour
Take the long way home
Promise me I'll be there for me

Copyright © Triny Xiang


Book: Shattered Sighs