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How it all began in the beginning

Remember the young
Meaning the unborn or
Perhaps those who are
Newly born?

What right has an abortionists'
Knives to demolish the innocent
Lives of children resting inside
of their mothers' wombs?

Male and female, created He them
Be fruitful and multiply and replenish
The earth, care for it, nurture it and
Subdue it.

After His own image and in His own likeness
Out of the dust of earth, God formed the likeness
Of the very first man, whom God named Adam.
Because he formed him from the dust of the earth.

But when God breathed into the man his very own
Life giving breath, man became a living soul.
When Adam saw the natural world and beheld
That for every living creature there was a mate.

Adam pondered over his mate-less fate.
"It is not good for man to live alone,"God said.
So he put Adam into a deep sleep and took one
Of his ribs out of his side, and formed his wife.

And God presented the woman to the man.
"She is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh,
She shall be called woman because she came
Forth out of man."Thus God performed the first
Marriage ceremony.

"For a man shall leave his father and his mother,
And shall cleave to his wife and they shall become
One flesh." Said God demonstrating how he would
Replenish the whole earth with human beings.

God saw everything that he had created and called it good.
He first created the angels before he created humans, and
The morning stars all sang together from the beginning of
All creation.  How did Pride rear it's ugly destructive head
Inside the mind of a beautiful arch angel name Lucifer?

Before the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, there 
Was first war and rebellion in heaven.  Not satisfied 
With deceiving the one-third angels in heaven, Satan
cast his evil eyes upon God's creations on planet earth.

He did not deceive Adam nor tempt him but he waited for
The creation of his wife--and tempted her to eat from the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Eve gave the
Forbidden fruit to Adam and he ate from it also.

It would appear that Satan won that day, because humans
Have now joined in his rebellion against God! But God told
The devil that "the seed of the woman would crush his head,
And that he would bruise his heal" aka take his life.

But Jesus Christ did crush Satan's head on Calvary's cross
And died for our sins also thus bruising his heel! God won
And Satan lost all of his battles and his wars Hallelujah
Praise the Lord!

Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954/October Country
May 28, 2024

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Shattered Sighs