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The Universe has Feelings too

Our inception  was  a   mystery
"A big bang theory"   Some suggested
" A Super being" above the clouds" Some lamented
we watched the creatures debate over our existence

Born in a family  of ten and raised from a distance
Watched over by our father during the day
while mum took over the night duties

Our  Sisters's jaw  dropping beauty invited the overzealous creatures 
The  genesis  of their friendship  seemed  sweet  but  turned  sour
Their insatiable hunger  for  exploration grew by the hour 
Her troubled  existence had only began

They exploited her hospitable nature and stripped off her beauty
The green gown that covered her nakedness, stripped in the name of civilization
Her waters that sparkled, darkened by the juice extracted for their automobile's
Fumes from their industrial machines aiming at her blue and white veils, destroying the fragrance of her ozone layer..

We watched with pain and in silence
We had no mode of mobility to render a helping hand  
Father’s anger started growing by day as he watched with detest
For a number of days he gave warning shots 
The creatures experienced his anger so hot
But the warning fell short of their egocentric ego's 
"Lets just call it "global warming" and pretend we are doing something towards it" they connived 

Defiling my sister did not quench their thirst of exploration
They sent two men with wits to visit my mother
Trying to find out the secrets to her shinning face
As soon as they landed, they pierced her body with flags of achievement
It now became a race of who will defile her the most

As days pass we wonder who will be the next victim
Rumours have it they are eyeing one of our sister 
Her genetic makeup is almost similar to sister's 

I am afraid, these tears will never dry
These fears  will forever be high 
Our helping hand will remain shy
For we can only watch, as the cycle continues 

Copyright © Steven Mwakatundu


Book: Shattered Sighs