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Terror Bugs: Part 4 - A Freezer Mice Adventure

[Continued from ‘Terror Bugs: Part 3 - A Freezer Mice Adventure’]
The Terror Bugs pursued them through the skies toward the river Cody flew just fast enough but still he felt a shiver “Any slower and we’ll stall and crash on London Town It’s time to find out if the Mayor has shut the tunnel down.” Cody steered the spacecraft down toward the tunnel’s mouth And with the bugs upon their tail they took the tunnel south Bursting into daylight they spun round and missiles fired The south end of the tunnel was decidedly retired Up and over they manoeuvred back across the Thames And looped the loop to fire again to block the northern end Just as at the southern exit, fractured concrete fell Rubble, grit and chunks of debris packed the tunnel well In their spacecraft Cody pondered what should happen next “Those bugs won’t take that lying down and boy, will they be vexed?” Churchill nodded. “We all know, they won’t rest til they’re free. Set us down now, Cody, and we’ll work on our plan B.” Crocket said, “That rubble ain’t exactly mortared in, Those bugs will come a calling and we’ll take one on the chin.” Right on cue a chunk of concrete lurched onto the road. “It seems they’ve got out early and they’ll want what they are owed.” Cody slammed his fist against the dashboard as he said, “You think we’re gonna sit around until we wind up dead?” Churchill laughed aloud and said, “I have a master plan, Our phasers will not cut it… so I’m calling Stanley Dann.”
“Well, Stanley says he’s on his way and that we shouldn’t worry He’s found himself an expert and they’ll be here in a hurry.” Crocket quipped, “A human expert, that’s just what we need It’s only eighty million years that separates our breed.” Churchill said, “We’ll sort this problem one way or another… But til we’ve got some new ideas… I’m trusting Stanley’s mother.” “Stanley’s mother?” Cody asked, his voice a touch ironic The irony was not yet done, “I trust she’s supersonic!” A mass of rubble from the tunnel’s ruined end spewed out That it was thrust from deep inside, the shrews were in no doubt “So as we thought, they won’t stay caught and this, I do believe, Is ‘How To Make A Prison Break - page one: The need to breathe.” A larger, jagged lump of tunnel tumbled out of place Debris that it held in place collapsed to leave a space A space through which the Freezer Mice could watch for escapees Escapees that soon appeared as though they aimed to please “So, blowing up some infrastructure; what did that achieve?” Cody knew they'd meant well, but their guests were set to leave. Churchill said, “It bought some time, though granted, not a lot But Stanley’s bringing weaponry more lethal than we’ve got.” Crocket, gazing through the screens, attempted nonchalance “I think they want their money back, they’re seeking our response.” Cody said, “So send a missile, that’ll hold them back.” But Crocket laughed. “And that will simply bring on their attack.” On the road the last few Terror Bugs climbed through the hole Each now eyed the craft that dumped them at Earth’s southern pole The largest one among them took a step toward the craft A thousand bugs stepped forward, wailing like they were quite daft In the spacecraft Crocket said, “I’m gonna step outside I know we cannot kill them, but this world will know I tried.” Churchill placed a hand upon his shoulder and he said “We’re the Freezer Mice, if we are living or we’re dead.” And Cody said, “So, let’s go get them, phasers at the ready Try to burn their eyeballs out, so hold your phasers steady.” They climbed down from their spacecraft with bravado dressed as zeal And Cody quipped, “I’m truly glad our nerves are made of steel.” At the scent of ancient foe the Terror Bugs cried out A hideous, spine chilling squeal that left no room for doubt The tone was multi-lingual and it caused Cody to shout “Those Bugs are awful hungry and they’re set on dining out.” The Terror Bugs advanced with acid drool left in their wake Churchill joked, “There’s only several hundred… piece of cake,” Crocket said, “There’s one thing that I cannot help but think… Those God-forsaken bugs must think we well and truly stink!” Cody’s shoulders sagged and then he spoke in monotones “I’m proud that I was in this group, I have no moans or groans. I wish that we could leave this world with just a little hope— Churchill took his arm and said, “Hold that thought, you dope.” The Terror Bugs squealed louder as they saw their foe were few All their limbs now dripping acid which they freely threw The Freezer Mice drew phasers for one final futile go To end a war that started in an epoch long ago
[Continued in ‘Terror Bugs: Part 5 - A Freezer Mice Adventure’]

Copyright © Terry Flood


Book: Reflection on the Important Things