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When Heaven Start To Shout

What wonders awaits you out there, the world is bright without fear, the morning and the evening will become one and the heavens will sing a wonderful song.

The birds will play the flute and the violinist will resonate from the sky with a score that fills the earth with passion and spring will slowly fade away and summer will give birth and flourish the universe.
What is going on up there? The clouds are moving swiftly in fear, what is going up there? The sun and the moon are having conference in midair. 

The stars are shining bright and the galaxy is converging with the other side, I have to figure this thing out before the heavens start to shout.
The morning with its tantalizing sounds bellows through the dark with slow moving traffic crawling in the street and horns flying in the breeze,.

A  multitude of traffic have converged in the street, with time testing their patience and a journey that was supposed to last for one hour lasted for more than five hours; they were caught in a squeeze and nothing was moving and the temperature start rising.
Traffic came to a standstill, and for more than an hour nothing moved and everyone was confused, some people starts to sing a familiar religious hymn and all of a sudden the fire truck came with a mysterious motions and zigzag around the traffic and disturbed the proceedings with its thunderous siren

 The whistling sound from fire truck pushes the traffic in different direction and breaks up the early morning mass.
The tension heightened and the morning with its heavy burden breaks loose and a ferocious wind seeps through the air breaking the trees that parachute in the skies.

They bow ceremoniously over the power line and that is what causes the fire truck to cry, and a mile down the road a fire was blazing on the electric line but the first responder was just on time clear the heated sky.
What is going on up there that is causing the conflict down here; there are some missions in space hopping from place to place some resides on the far side of the moon collecting dirt and that mission is expected to come home soon.
Could this be the motion that is affecting planet earth or is it the Hollywood illusionary scene that breaks out in a dream; everything seems real and you cannot confute that, the tornado are real and it roots up all the trees and not one dwelling is left standing.
Something bigger that man is controlling human destiny; something bigger than man is infuriating the land, the system is compound and this thing has obsessed the world, you have to find a place where it can fits in you have to find a place to bring the harmony in.
 The big round moon lights up the sky with residues of hope resting on summer shoulders and the spring of dawn filtered through the sky and the day approaches when we will meet and complete  the circle that they have broken,.

With tears welled up in your eyes we will witness the moment together and watch the sun sets with all its glow on top of the mountain; the door will finally open and heaven will shout no more.


Copyright © Christine Phillips


Book: Shattered Sighs