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Carpe Diem Dance

Carpe Diem 6-21-24
Carpe Diem Dance

What lives today, changes faces tomorrow,
    The breath of dance conundrum,
As days of clay crumble into mortality.

Wisdom’s alliterations
  Speaks a monologue into the jealous
          Tiger of time at full gallop 
               Our intentionality wake
                From hypnotized stupor
                 To each tick of time –
                  Every revolution of the sun –
Before ephemerality slides into new dawns
     Like spent daylilies grasping at moonlight
  With no contract for the next,
    No covenant for another
       No promise for running through stardust.

Our eyes grasp at the alluring coiffure
 Of present tense choreographies -
  Elusive patterns
   Styled in NOW. 

Haunting possibilities intones spells
In single strands, of intricate steps,
 Over the work of our hands
  Danced with warp and woof 
To revel in styles beyond our signatures
Conscious of coincidence
 Open to opportunities
  Lessons of Love
   Parables of Hope
    Affirmations of Quests
    Axioms of Ah-ha!

 Live in the realm of watchfulness
  Seize the first light
  Then rest in our Eternal’s readiness.

Copyright © Sam Kauffman


Book: Shattered Sighs