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Victim 9 checker cab company arson not ruled out Ciro Gargano my abusive ex husband

You still frighten me Ciro Gargano the way you control city officials after committing arson murders of 8 fire chief gene kalinowski was great in calling in that favour even though you and my abusive ex husband torched that tailor shop loading the fabric racks of suits racks of wool coats my god I pray for the victims that cold Christmas Day connected to oxygen machines while your crew continue storing the contents 1742 to 1724 Sheridan Rd checker cab company the old family billiards several apartments upstairs I feel sick remembering how we fooled around laying on silk suit’s using the fabric to cover the garage floor making out no different than that damps march when Lisa Ann Carnes stormed in the arcade I thought she was your wife you ran home to get scolded by your wife returning so angry at Lisa dragging her out into a pick up into the night I remember sitting there listening to chaka khan ain’t nobody while my abusive ex husband tried to clean up your messes he never knew we were together that night shocking to hear you confessed to shooting Lisa Ann Carnes in the back the irony is that we were together just hours before her death looking back now I feel contaminated and then the finale that calm March morning my abusive ex leaving his job early emco chemical to meet you 1810 Sheridan Rd only to arrive home covered in soot smoke petroleum watching your properties burn after your ranting raving over the mayor Bobby Thompson city commissioner taking your properties using them for Black own business like Curtis Pride the brother of Horace Crayton finally taking you buisness just like Lou Pride always promised he would get you back for stealing the rights to his hit song yes Curtis Pride running churches muslin headquarters I often wondered why your killing spree was always carried out in my backyard how the fbi said this was what you did get stupid blacks to commit crimes you then rat them out seeing the damage my abusive ex returning covered in soot news updated on his birthday cause of blaze arson not ruled out this gave him power and a new name the blazer resulted in severe beatings domestic abuse I still feel for my safety receiving blackmail threats through restraining orders his abuse of power seated behind a desk clearly you control this horrific horrors how to get away with mass murders it doesn’t matter you fake your death to kill again and again I fear for my safety chilling I remember sitting at checker cab cleaning the units upstairs for renters now my memory is of smoke devastation of organized crime corruption covering mass murder it’s like you are allowed to kill as long as my ex abusive husband is involved so the fbi could sweep it all under my wearing wires pregnant buying weapons and drugs from corruption all this was done to cover your murders my prayers are with the victims my prayers are with you Ciro Gargano I am devastated totally there was a time we laughed cried hugging each other lovingly I truly had no idea you actually killed these people even though the fbi told me it took years to piece this all together Lisa Ann Carnes really hits home she had two kids like me married like me seeing you collecting coins laundromat video games any young mother would be attracted to you especially a struggling young mother washing clothes in you come saving the day a pocket full of coins driving to the next town next young mother of two like Liza choking her pulling out your gun confessing to killing Lisa wow I paid no attention when your real wife Lisa told me you  her when she threatened to leave you frightened me Ciro I didn’t want to see it but I saw my abusive ex husband fear you willing to kill for you and they did just that setting the blazes watching the buildings burning smelling the smoke seeing the bodies removed from the building storing smoke filled garments in the buildings without a care the smell of smoke stays with me till this day my ex twisting my arm after you blackmailing him to beat me he did just as you ordered finally news updates arson not ruled out I saw his clothes I washed them in disbelief until Peter called Sheridan Rd is burning down just like you promised blackmailing my abusive ex husband car payment paper tag 311 on the Chrysler he was pulled over this shined a light on your car lot of stolen titles vin numbers ect he cried like a baby so afraid the mafia was coming to kill us soot everywhere 1776 Melrose Cleveland Calanthe Brown and the red and white Cadillac I am reminded of all the blood left on your white Cadillac after Lisa Ann Carnes was dragged out of the arcade I can’t sleep very stressful you and my abusive ex husband your abuse of power threatened my life because you would have gotten away with all these murders but you hired jay Townsend Johnson Henry to take a few of my poems after reading the part in my journal all about dynamite the gasoline underneath the door with a dust pan making sure the fire is contained on the ground floor rushing a mushroom cloud throughout the upstairs choking the life out of all those elderly persons desperate connections to oxygen machines NO AIR on this unusual cold Christmas Day pipes froze all over the city no fire hydrant available those people had to wait until hell froze over and Thawed fire crews had no choice but travel several towns over to try and get water watching helplessly I still hear sirens wails Fbi asking me did I sew not knowing the garment fabrics stored next to checker cab company for years 1984 to 1998 only because you were sent to prison May 1985 never returned until March 1998 for a paper tag victim 9 finally ma said you faked your death Memorial Day in memory of your victims very thoughtful Ciro very thoughtful indeed I never forget emco chemical company my abusive ex storing petroleum camphor liquid Vicks imagine that the clear smoke filled the air almost like a vaporised commercial you could smell the Vicks all day my ex hid behind the drapes afraid of you Ciro Gargano

Copyright © Yolanda Nicholsen


Book: Reflection on the Important Things