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I look deep into the tapestry of my mind, where shadows dance incessantly

I look deep into the tapestry of my mind, where shadows dance incessantly,
There where fear and insecurity weave imaginary stories, fluttering beneath my ribs.
None of them are real, not one, just illusory winds in the core of thoughts,
A story that breaks like fabric under the weight of reason. Pull me, pull me back to the present,
Pull me, for here, under the sunlight, everything becomes clear and simple.
I don't know, not knowing overwhelms me, my mind leaps uncontrollably to conclusions,
About things that don't exist, phantoms in the obsessive night. I accept, I accept not knowing,
Sometimes it's enough to say "I don't know," and the veils of anxiety lift,
Let me float in uncertainty, to sink and emerge with understanding.
What if, what if, a prolonged struggle of scenarios upon the soul,
The long chain of thoughts, a storm of what-ifs. Breathe, just breathe,
I tell myself that I'll be fine, that in the fresh air of clarity I will find relief,
Don't complicate, just breathe, and let the thoughts slip by like clouds on a summer sky.
I look at myself from afar, a tiny point in the vastness of existence,
In the bigger frame of things, everything that obsesses me disintegrates.
I try, fail, fall, learn, and get back up again – this is the dance of life.
I live it, with slow and proud steps, amid the hail and relentless sun.
Thoughts won't leave me? Zen pushes them into the corners of silence,
I sit in a quiet corner and take ten deep breaths, in the rhythm of meditation.
I calm my mind, let the stillness flow through restless veins,
Meditating, I find a fragile balance, a barrier against the internal storm.
Embrace and engage life, in the disciplined rhythm of the coming days,
I make a list, two, three things to do; step by step,
I don't have to do everything, it's enough to do one thing well,
For life is long, and the path carries me forward, guided by patience.
Catch the triggers, those sparks that ignite the fire of endless thoughts,
The chain reaction of overthinking, like falling dominoes.
But there is always that primal thought – find it and stop it,
Live consciously, split the straw until you understand it.
Speak, confess your feelings to friends, family, the world,
Don't keep the bottle closed, let it flow, write, speak, share,
Bottled feelings aren't good for the soul,
Releasing them, I find relief, a truth distilled from the internal chaos.
Enjoy the journey, life is full of ups and downs,
Obsessing over every detail won't fix anything,
When it's light, laugh. When it's stormy, let it pass.
Life is change, it flows, and it will be fine in the end.
Be disciplined, it’s worth healing yourself,
To fix old toxic patterns and achieve the chosen goal,
Step by step, with each breath, I transform,
And in this constant evolution, I rediscover the essence of my being.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Shattered Sighs