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Eternity Just Fell

Why don’t you rage Siddhartha.
Rage.  Ah.  I suffer.
Jesus of Galilee, why don’t you fight back.
I. trust
Prince of the sands, prophets of the Sun
Peace is offered to this gem
Flowers are sprung, but who notices

why do you not rage?
Only the hermit polishes his stone
while the madmen rushes the marketplace
in search of their…(insert  here)

Diogenes, perhaps you can provide an answer.
Leave me alone.  I have no purpose with you.
And you, 21st century digital man, what do you think.
I think not.

Where is this going then…
When our heart is below in the valley and
our mind up the infinite mountain
What can this be about. Who am I.
I rage and I suffer and freeze and stare.
This is not what is promised.

Well, let's go on a trip then.
The masters are on the hunt for the seekers.
This old soul is in exile.
Phantoms count seven out of four walls.
Inspiration got caught in the spider's web.
Concentration has fled the scene.
Not sure what the next station is actually.
What was all that religious reference before.
Red dwarf's are failed stars.
What is so fascinating about Caligula.
The shadow of humanity and our swan song.
Fear only causes slumber.
An artist said 'you can make me scared'
There's a decade waiting in that next word.  
Truth is written down.
Love is gifted.
What is received.

Wait.  No.
Breathe.  Listen there.  Here.  And Here.  
Patience.  Which is not found in books.

Guard that voice and focus.  There is the seed.

Eternity just fell.
You know what to do.

Copyright © Daniel Nasato


Book: Shattered Sighs