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Poor Blue

Poor Blue. Written about a visit to the butchers with my mum, in Liverpool, when I was a child

Poor Blue

To butchers I went
With mother to spend
Some money on meat for the week
For two days a week 
My mother cooked meat,
Boiled tatties, with carrots and peas 

This did coincide
With baths as child
As meat and a bath were a treat
But not just for me 
As brother you see
Shared both on the same day each week 

But back to the tale
Of butcher regale 
With mother and me lined in queue 
In front of us stood
A man and his dog
A long haired Alsatian named Blue

From nowhere a smell
Invaded the shell 
Inside of the small butchery
In nostril it crept
As tear drops I wept
And nausea overcame me

My mother said loud
“Dogs shunt be allowed,
In places where foods on display”
Blue looked at my mum
And though it were dumb
It’s eyes displayed hurt and dismay

The butcher stared down 
Addressing the hound,
Said, “you and your master must go.
Please turn about face
And leave from this place
Dog farting is such a no no”

Both bloke and the dog
Departed the shop
And left with their tales between legs
When I looked at mum 
She whispered “keep schtum”
For from her came’t smell of bad eggs

For months after that
When we shared a bath
Both brother and me made a joke
We’d fart in the bath 
Make bubbles and laugh
At mother, Poor Blue and the bloke


Copyright © Nigel Gray


Book: Reflection on the Important Things