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Can We All Be?

Wide, blue pools reflect cotton-ball clouds drifting across a canvas of endless sky. A blade of grass, a towering giant in a sun-dappled jungle, whispers secrets only explorers with bare feet can hear. A ladybug, a fiery jewel deposited on an emerald throne, becomes a fleeting treasure claimed with a gleeful squeal.

A twig, a wand charged with whispered spells, conjures cardboard castles that pierce the clouds. Heroes, small but brave, learn to fly on invisible wings of make-believe, scaling fortresses against imagined foes. A tear, a fallen star, traces a glistening path down a scraped knee, but the night sky unfolds, a vast tapestry of distant stars that wink and mend the wound.

Puddles dance, reflecting the endless blue, a shimmering portal leading to uncharted territories. A stick, a bridge of courage held firm, conquers the vast unknown. A seashell, pressed against a curious ear, sings lullabies of the ocean, secrets whispered by the tide. Friends huddle close, a conspiratorial knot, sharing whispered dreams in the hushed cathedral of a seashell.

Sunlight paints a ballet across the leaves in the whispering forest, where ancient trees, wise and silent, share stories with those who know how to listen. Cardboard squares transform into a bustling city bathed in firefly light. Here, dolls and dragons find companionship under a sky painted with dreams.

A smooth pebble, cool against a searching palm, whispers forgotten tales of giants slumbering beneath the earth. Fingerprints leave rainbows across a canvas, a world reborn in a burst of colour. Laughter, a melody echoing across boundless fields, chases away shadows and paints the world with pure joy.

This is their kingdom, a tapestry woven from whispers and laughter, a world where the impossible becomes real and giants slumber beneath fields of dreams. A place where hearts soar on wings of imagination, forever untouched by the harsh edges of the grown-up world. Let us step inside, perhaps just for a moment, and rediscover the magic that sleeps within us all.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P


Book: Shattered Sighs