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The Depths

"The Depths"

From the depths

are the voices
of other 

In that other place,
the monsters violate, 
they take and take
bloody all, what they want

the dreams of women
are torched, murdered, 
next to them, 
the sweet dreams of lives 
gone with their children -

those lives and dreams
the monsters never earned,
from their bitter foreign netherworld
silencing voices, in hacked motion 

cleanly slicing sacrificial throats -
a bullet or two or three or four
to the beautiful brains, spilling,
and just for good measure 
another five, six, or seven

silenced now,
the voices

of those 
other women, and 
their children, unimportant,
dismissed, unacknowledged and unheard.

from the monsters’ throats,
the sound of riotous laughter
gurgling from the depths
of their lost neverending Hades, heard, 

carnivorous packs that hunt
vicious without conscience
brutal zombies 
less than beasts

after the spoils -

they return to live 
like cowardly roaches 
diseased and at ease, 
in their underground tunnels,

from Abaddon the 
Hamas Gargoyle calls
its Sheol minions, the blood sucking hive, 
recoup in the darkness for intermittent wiles,

then let loose again
their grubby venom 
spreads upon another
once peaceful home -

I give you,
the "woke" in their 
blissfull, self-indulgent
naive world;

inside, another soul, 
like floating ghost -
close, yet far enough, removed,
questions the different types ...

of Hell; 

from the place of 
painless death, 
another watcher 
learns of others' stories, 

and listens 
to their cries for help, 

She's all awhirl, 
submerged and drowning 
within the visions 
and sounds 

in Her mind - 

to the sound of cutting,
the tossing of fresh breasts,
like a game of baseball catch,
between each monster on the kibbutz road,
the chilling sound 
of those feline Jewish queens
mercilessly tortured 
inside and out

and their children
watch on, 
and they watch 
their children watch on,

the screams echoe, 
eventually, whisper quiet,
all the other voices 

thrown in the lake,
thrown into the pit -
one on top 
of the other - 

how must 
that feel?

to drown 
in gasoline 
women and children 
families burned, inside out -

the world 
protests for other 
more important 

puppets marching 
alongside monsters,
marching on their leashes, 
like their possessed hellhounds, 

with the hidden monsters
baying precisely what they want 
in the Invisible's undercurrents -

this entity
seems to have a fervent 
and believable 
voice -

ignorant are most
to the truth, 
easily forgotten,
yet if dug deep, remembered,

in the symbology 
of Stars
and what happened 
in that time - before;

the world 
wears its shroud 
of ignorance, 
hate speech within, without 

no other Hell  
compares -

for Its infestation
is already here 
in this world 
of ours;

in this 
other removed
deep place 
of dark silence

have been exterminated
all around, barbarically removed
gone unheard

all demonstrations
seem to ignore
the underlying 
acute accuracy 

of it all;

the other cheek
and acquiesce 
to the herd - 

or go against 
the popular "woke",
and remember the 
silenced voices 

of ALL
the world's
and children, gone 


should those 
other more 
"woke" women,
take the sword -

for the Jewish cause?

From the depths...

sonorous silence
permeates the thickness
of those who think 
they've escaped - 

where are the voices
of the other women?

come to save
all others losing, where are
those other exceptional Queens 

to stand firm 
with those other sisters,
and their children,
less fortunate?

of territorial rights
boundaries and creeds,
of who's truly shelled and burned - 

where are the voices 
of other women? 
to hold the hearts and minds
of those others, dead and unheard

are the voices 
of other women
they themselves, alive ... silenced, 
because they are truly dead inside, 

to the accurate forgotten,
the inconvenient
of it all?

where are they 
when they 
are not marching
next to monsters?

have they themselves,
gone under ground?

holed up in their 
comfortable tunnels
oblivious mindless masked
ozempic sleeping beauties.

where is the courage?
Sorely lacking, to feed and nurture
the voices of other women 
abused, silenced and unheard. 

in their dreamy 
escapist lives,
do they turn 
the other cheek

or stand firm?

do the "woke" 
in their ill-informed
condescending dreams

will they?

without fear,
take the sword?

(LadyLabyrinth / 2023)
at Christmas 2023.

"When the British warrior queen,
Bleeding from the Roman rods,
Sought, with an indignant mien,
Counsel of her country's gods,

Sage beneath a spreading oak
Sat the Druid, hoary chief;
Ev'ry burning word he spoke
Full of rage, and full of grief.

Princess! if our aged eyes
Weep upon thy matchless wrongs,
'Tis because resentment ties
All the terrors of our tongues." 
(excerpt 1, BOADICEA: AN ODE /William  Cowper, 1780)

Then the progeny that springs
From the forests of our land,
Arm'd with thunder, clad with wings,
Shall a wider world command. 
(excerpt 2, BOADICEA: AN ODE /William  Cowper, 1780)

She, with all a monarch's pride,
Felt them in her bosom glow;
Rush'd to battle, fought, and died;
Dying, hurl'd them at the foe.

Ruffians, pitiless as proud,
Heav'n awards the vengeance due;
Empire is on us bestow'd,
Shame and ruin wait for you.
(excerpt 3, BOADICEA: AN ODE /William  Cowper, 1780)

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth


Book: Reflection on the Important Things