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Chapter 115 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Damian's Plan

Damian stayed awake half the night
Contemplating, brainstorming 
And roving over it 
Repeatedly. He knew it would be
Desperately Dynamic diligent and
Definitely undeniably necessary,
 but if he Didn't force great effort he knew
It would spell sure doom for the 
Hakims. He will have To speak to 
Family in the morning. 8 am morning 
Rushed in quite quickly quietly he
Rose yeah, Damian knows what he'd 
Have to do to see this mega plan
Through. Damian was on video com
Conference with his father brothers and 
3 uncles including Uncle Savarho and 
Preston. Damian stated, "Family we
Have got to make major 
Macronomic maneuvers to have
Continuous provisions for the family.
The local Hakim family. We discuss
Everybody else later. Carter Hakim 
Asked, "What are you suggesting 
Damian?" Damian said, "Ah, this will
Be rather radical maybe to radical 
For some of us....we need to own 
A supermarket. Yeah. We need our
Own supermarket." Uncle Preston 
Was beside himself, "Well Damian 
You....took my ...breath away....
"Yeah I think....well it's radical yeah
Damn radical."  Father Hakim chimed
"Alright! Why not! Cousin Domonic 
Asked, "So What's the proposal?"
CJ said, "We'd have to buy a
Supermarket?!"  Damian laid it out
"Yeah!! And I willing to offer a portion 
Of my finances and land if need be."
"This has to be a concerted endeavor 
Damian it's can not be a one man
Operation. Alright."  Father Hakim
Was determined once he grasped 
The magnitude of the undertaking.
He said, "Damian I want you to know
I proud of you man. And I will support 
This market. In what ever manner
I can." Uncle Savarho and Uncle
Preston also confirmed their
Loyalty to the food conspiracy.
Damian continued voicing the 
Plan he will authorize. "First we
Will need a partnership with a 
Megamarket like Fountain foods."
And eventually my plan is to build
Two more mega supermarkets."
We'll have to buy in with not just
Money but land." 
CJ said, "I'm with you brother. Whatever 
You want. It sounds good." Damian 
Carried on, "After we have part 
Ownership we can purchase materials 
To break ground on new property
Remember this is some family 
Cohesive seriousness."  No back
Stepping." Cousin Domonic uttered 
"You know we all in big man"
First we'll need appointments with the
CEO and their President." Damian 
Sat back and enabled his newly 
Designed Digital Desk located the
Company of the market on the Digital
Map. Then called the Fountain market
President. He was able to contact 
Him unhampered. A man answered 
"Fountain market foods. We sell the
Best. I'm Chuncy I'm here to help,
How may I be of service?" 
Damian said, "Yes you can connect
Me with Mr. Milus MacIntyre."
My Damian Hakim." 
The representative said, "No problem
Just one minute I'll avail him."
Mr. MacIntyre was on the line, then
Damian transported the signal to
Skpe. "Hello Mr. MacIntyre." 
Yes, How can I help you... Mr. Ah.
Damian filled in the space Damian 
Hakim. Yeah. The question is how
Can we help one another. I am 
In need of promising investment 
Potentially. And so...I decided on 
Fountain foods corporations."
MacIntyre asked how much of an
Investment are you willing to chance?"
Mr. Hakim well I and my family are
Prepared to introduce substantial 
Capital in Fountain food corporations."
In exchange for 30% of your business.
And I realize that you have 2 other
Locations."  The man rejected 
Damian's proposal. Mr. Hakim.
Sir. We aren't  about selling our
.... this really a...a family business."
Damian said,  "Aha. Ha! I know this
And I with my family want to 
Extend a hand to your family. We
Are The Hakims we own reality 
Banks and we are shareholders.
Plus.....we have spawling estates.
My family and I currently reside in 
Nofacts County Hakim Esteem 
Estates."  We are  offering you a
Sensible sum of $15 billion for
30%." Mr. MacIntyre said, No Hakim 
You will have to level up!" We do not
Sell cheap! We are MacIntyres."
Damian was agitated now, "Aaalright!
MacIntyre name your price."  Damian 
Was shocked MacIntyre said
"35% for $75 billion."  Damian came
Back at him he could see MacIntyre 
Perspiring, "Well MacIntyre what
About 30% for $55 billion and 
15 thousand Square feet of land."
"You drive my pressure and perspiration 
High Hakim it's a deal.

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Reflection on the Important Things