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The Stain Crusaders

"The Stain Crusaders"

Plath left the pages long ago
and Bacharach’s Blue-on-Blue
is an ineffectual softer numb-shade-of-Blue
dear green green Anthropocene 

this much is true
with all the I love you’s
the wandering crusaders
are far far removed

sitting atop their soap boxes
sudsing up all the rooms 
the silent stains in the poetic  
are hard to remove

Ajax came coding unseen 
like anticeptic borax
scrubbing out the irrelevance
dear green green Anthropocene

Shakespeare was never here
just a codex with a recipe 
we seldom heed
most never read

the page book marked
maybe tomorrow
for the forget:

“My words fly up, 
my thoughts remain below: 
Words without thoughts 
never to heaven go.” 

Candide Diderot. ‘24

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” 

Copyright © Candide Diderot


Book: Shattered Sighs