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Funny Rainforest Poems

These Funny Rainforest poems are examples of Rainforest poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Rainforest Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Grateful

The bird in the cage sits,
and sometimes sings. 
On Sunday he gets let out. 
That is the best day. 
The cat is at church....

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rainforest, celebration, destiny, humor, inspiration,

Its Human Yo
Since remarks from the T.V, and a stocking of my soul to breathe... 

I relax eagerly when I await the heat and see that nothing...

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Categories: rainforest, deep, drug, fashion, fate,

De Heraldi
God does time fly!

Psalms allm ssllaay yyai!

Doesn't it seem as if we have never been?

There was now another thing accepting us?

Like we were fluids?

Drunken fluids...

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Categories: rainforest, boat, boyfriend, care, celebration,

Premium Member Lumberjacks
lumberjacks fell on their knees

when our woods ran out of trees

no thought to give in

and after a spin

were soon modeling dickies....

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Categories: rainforest, earth day, funny, giggle,

Premium Member Ultra Sound Tickles
Ultra Sound Tickles (By Moji Agha) 

Ultrasound tickles tickle soundly; 
Or do they? 

Do they have a choice in the matter? 
Or they tickle the...

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© Moji Agha  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rainforest, conflict, earth, funny, humorous,

Nature's Way
Whether Evolution or the Spoken Word,
From time immemorial, seasons revolve
And cosmetic changes take place.
The Creator in an awesome way,
Fashioned this universe of air, land and...

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Categories: rainforest, autumn, beach, butterfly, imagery,

Nature is the place I go to clear my head,
Jays are blue, cardinals red.

The hum of bugs,
The crawl of slugs,
The dirt below and trees above.


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© Mike A.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: introspection, nature, rainforest, remember,

Book: Shattered Sighs