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Power Political Verse Poems

These Power Political Verse poems are examples of Political Verse poems about Power. These are the best examples of Political Verse Power poems written by international poets.

April 19 Define or celebrate a word or concept Scumbagology
April 19—Define or celebrate a word or concept -Scumbagology 

Scumbagery is the study 
Of the actions of a scumbag
A scumbag is a narcissistic, sociopathic 

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: political,

April 7 Why Trump
April 7—Figure something out in a poem

Why Trump?

For the last six years
I have been trying 
To figure out 

Why 40 percent
Of my fellow Americans
Still support...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, evil, political,

The colour Purple
In the realm where hues collide,
Where blue meets red, and souls abide.
There lies a shade, both bold and rare,
With regal presence, beyond compare.

Purple, the color...

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Categories: 4th grade, addiction, life,

Premium Member MusEcology of Peace
I would like to see
and hear
and feel a peaceful day
and silent night

When guns
are as rare as typewriters

When partisan hate
is as extinct as flying dinosaurs

When ranting...

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Categories: earth, health, integrity, music,

Premium Member EarthTribe Ministrations
A green chaplain to trees
nurtures Her root systems
and dancing
prancing branches

reaching deeply
into shared 0-soul trunks,
circling spinal enthusiastic core

circulating annual rings
of growing communion

Potential win/win performance
musing resonance

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Categories: health, peace, power, prayer,

Premium Member Before Emmanuel Began
Before we begin,
I want to introduce
my most hopeful self

Before we begin
life's communication
we know love's energy

Mother and Child
sacred mild

Resonant hearts beating
+1 then 0 then -1
circling around...

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Categories: christian, christmas, green, health,

Premium Member Freedom
Freedom to speak.
Freedom to lie.
Freedom to covet and justify.
Freedom to bully.
Freedom to buy.
Freedom to exploit the little guy.
Freedom of power.
Freedom to reach.
Freedom to rally with...

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Categories: america, freedom,

Premium Member Powers of Enlightenment
I've noticed our Republic's
RightWing Tree of Life
reacts to root-systemic problems
as if oak strong branches
lifted to majesty worshiping heights
of supremacy
need not be concerned
with watering
and feeding democratic...

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Categories: earth, health, integrity, nature,

Premium Member Those Terrible Twos
There's a sense of foreboding and gloom
as our government shut down now looms.
Some officials are striving to fix things,
while others just want to be nix...

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Categories: perspective, political,

Economic Freedom Fighters
The vibrant force
Always stands for the righteousness
Though they might be threatened still go for it nonetheless
Freedom and economic impact is the priority

The radical, leftist, anticapitalist...

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Categories: hero,

Premium Member Growing Resilience
Better together
than falling apart.

Inside I sigh
between sad traumas,
mad bad dramas
fading together
when not
not thought and felt glad

Better left together
than falling
falling right wing exhausted

Outside we cry
for fair...

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Categories: health, integrity, journey, light,

Unbridled Urban Development's Unholy Eyesaw
Oh what a pity
that in David's great city
they built a skyscraping tower.
the which to describe 
my poor words lack all power.

Those who dwell in its...

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Categories: business, city, world,

Premium Member A Million Invocations
Orthodox answers
Paradox questions

Peak Experiential Doxology
Taoist ParaDoxEcology

WuWei Win/Win Thrival
Yang-Yin Communion
Indigenous Paradox
communicating sacred experience
beyond LeftBrain EitHer/OrThoDox

1/0 co-empathic binary
pole/hole double-bind
full/empty NonZero CommUnification
BlackWhole Systemic 
Indigenous Ecology

CoPassionate Biology
CoInvested Economy
CoOperative Psychology


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Categories: culture, health, integrity, math,

Premium Member Rightmindfulness Activities
I wonder...

If RightWing Activists
are, thereby,
actively against
Allies of a healthy
compassionate democracy.

If RightMind disempowered pessimists
lack Win/Win enlightened grace
to feel unconditional warm economies
of politically organic love
in sacred time...

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Categories: gospel, health, integrity, light,

Premium Member Integrity Grows Sacred
Natural Sacraments

Emerge from what sacred center,
committed to integrity's potential
become more resilient,
and not fragile

More nature-soul evolving
Earth's deepest
dark valleyed sacraments
of light and power.

Gandhi regenerated
humane love lives on

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Categories: culture, earth, health, integrity,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things