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Hypertext Poems - Poems about Hypertext

Hypertext Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hypertext to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hypertext.

Literary Malpractice
...Traveling through the jaded discourse With bartered pen and little remorse Brandishing sharpened scalpel; tour de force Unabashedly seeking all texts from lexicon to divorce Developing underlyi......Read the rest...
Categories: hypertext, on writing and words
Form: Rhyme
What Was I Thinking?
...Ed2go Internet course Subject: Creating a web page Hyperlink and hypertext HTML What?? Can I ever learn this curriculm? God Help me!!......Read the rest...
Categories: hypertext, funny
Form: I do not know?

...133 133 CharlaXFabels ListZapper There is so many inventions being worked on it is not surprising to the mee the eye to see a listzapper being de......Read the rest...
Categories: hypertext, computer-internet, imagination, science fiction,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Compilation of Cheph111(The Ending)
...There was only one miner now left in the asteroid belt the man was quite insane he had been homeless far too long The map lit up and the FASTERTHANLIGHTBEAMS@ modem on the MISTY WAY MAP lit up ......Read the rest...
Categories: hypertext, adventure, science fiction, space,
Form: Free verse
On the Beam To Oberon
...On the BEAM to OBERON On the BEAM to OBERON Chapter 22 CHEPH111 Charlockandroidone7 listed the crew members nammes MarYlin Mist: she was the captain and the pilot of th......Read the rest...
Categories: hypertext, adventure, science fiction, social,
Form: Free verse

Internet Poem
...Internet Poem Internet poem Hypertext transfer protocol overview is a private agreement. Hypertext transfer protocol overview is a public specification. Deleted and unread messages kept can n......Read the rest...
Categories: hypertext, computer-internet, on work and
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things