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Education Girl Poems

These Education Girl poems are examples of Girl poems about Education. These are the best examples of Girl Education poems written by international poets.

Girl, stained with earth,
hands clutching sun-drenched globes,
learning, laughter,

seeing stars,

sewing, singing,
stories strong,

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Categories: daughter, education, girl, mother,

The Song of the Soul
A melody, within her heart,
A song of spirit, a work of art.
Her soul's music, pure and true,
A symphony of dreams, coming through.

With every beat, a...

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Categories: education, endurance, girl, woman,

The Journey Within
A winding path, a quest to find,
The inner self, the hidden mind.
A girl embarks, with her heart aflame,
To discover the truth, and learn her name.


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Categories: education, endurance, girl,

The Breaking Chains
The chains of custom, long they bind,
A girl's potential is left behind.
But voices rise, a chorus strong,
To break the chains, where they belong.

They fight for...

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Categories: change, education, endurance, girl,

The Village's Hope
In a village, where hearts entwine,
A girl's potential starts to shine.
The community's embrace, so warm,
Nurturing her, safe from harm.

With gentle words, and a loving hand,

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Categories: children, courage, education, girl,

Wings of Knowledge
A girl, with wings of knowledge spread,
Soars high above, where dreams are bred.
The world of books, a boundless sky,
Where she can learn, and reach so...

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Categories: education, endurance, girl, how

The Lamp of Learning
A flame of knowledge, burning bright,
It illuminates the darkest night.
A girl, with eyes of eager quest,
Seeks wisdom's lamp, to light herself brightly.

Through shadowed paths, she...

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Categories: education, encouraging, endurance, girl,

The Open Book
A world of words, a boundless space,
Lies open wide, with gentle grace.
Within its pages, stories unfold,
Of dreams and journeys, yet untold.

A girl approaches, eyes alight,

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Categories: courage, desire, education, girl,

The Lamp of Learning
A flame of knowledge, burning bright,
It illuminates the darkest night.
A girl, with eyes of eager quest,
Seeks wisdom's lamp, to light her brain.

Through shadowed paths, she...

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Categories: girl, education,

The Tapestry of Progress
A woven tapestry, of progress bright,
With girls educated, a future is in sight.
Each thread is a journey, a story told,
Of dreams fulfilled, and hearts made...

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Categories: education, girl, strength,

The River of Opportunity
A flowing river, wide and deep,
With opportunities, for girls to keep.
Let education be the guiding stream,
To nourish their dreams, and make them sparkle.

With every step,...

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Categories: analogy, dream, education, girl,

The Bridge to Freedom
Across the chasm, a bridge we build,
With education's strength, a promise is fulfilled.
For girls confined, a path we pave,
To cross the boundaries, and be brave.


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Categories: education, freedom, girl, strength,

The Threads of Destiny
Woven threads, of fate's design,
A girl child's future is intertwined.
With education's needle, strong and fine,
She sews her path, a destiny divine.

Each stitch a lesson, a...

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Categories: child, dream, education, girl,

The Lamp of Learning
A flickering flame, in deep darkness,
A girl child's mind, yearning to leap.
Give her a lamp, a guiding star,
To light her path, near and far.

With every...

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Categories: girl, care, discrimination, education, encouraging,

Robert Sherriff - Australian - transgender
Robert Sherriff - Australian - Poet -Author - Singer - Actor - American Historian – Photographer

The Common Pursuit of Inclusivity and Mutual Respect: This is...

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Categories: girl, birth, body, boy, change,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things