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Sacrificed For Political Sake

Nobody will ever know the real person that you were
That glint of magic in your eyes, your giggle that warmed your families hearts.

You chose to care for others. You chose to put people first. You stood in front of a virus for which you were ill prepared.

Your government scoffed and scorned on the words your profession had to say. They chose to clap for you and your colleagues dying every day.

You had so much to give. You cared for everyone. No matter what language they spoke no matter what colour their skin. 

Your government expected more and used your caring nature to plan their blame. They expected you to act like soldiers and give your lives fighting this thing.

We will remember the sacrifice you were made to make. We will remember you, your profession and you people sacrificed for political sake.

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Two Hundred More Years

Is equality truly our highest priority?
The equality of all white males, yes.

We have been on the maps for over two hundred years,
Promising the same things,
But never delivering.

A woman who works the same job as a man will still receive lower pay.
Why is that?
A man of African-American decent gets shot,
The government doesn't even blink.
Why is that?

Is it because these people are less than others?

No they are not.

At the end of the day,
These random people are still human,
Just like you and I.

The color of their skin,
Their gender,
Their sexuality,
None of that makes them any less human.
Any less than those who have more political power.

These women working to death every day,
Only to be mocked or cast aside because they are women,
They are more important now, than ever.

Equality is expected of America.
Yet who here agrees that we are treating each person with the same amount of respect?

No one.
No one except those unwilling to change.
Those unwilling to hear out people that look different from themselves.

That is not equality.
That is pathetic.
That is cowardly and disgusting.

Take a long look at your government.
Are these the people you want your children to look up to?
Are these the people you want your children to be?

I hope not.
Or equality may be something we are still fighting for in two hundred more years.

Book: Shattered Sighs