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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched Exact Keyword(s): baseball in category: for her and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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You’re born
You come out of your mother she suffers through the pain but all for you
She walks next to you when you are taking your first steps 
Every baseball game she cheers out your name, even if you only get to bat that once
Prom she is the first to hug you, taking pictures like the camera is going out of style
You graduate 
She cheers so loud you are almost embarrassed, but she is glowing in pride
You grow up
Off to college you go, she cries her eyes out, hating to she her baby go 
You get married
 The glow is back, it brings back memories of that great day for her so many years ago
Your first child comes 
She’s a grandma, you can’t wipe the smile off her face
She walks you through the first steps in parenthood like she had done when she watched 
you walk for the first time 
Mom is always there, always standing by your side in all of your accomplishments and 
journeys in life
No matter what you do mom is there, she’s the glue that holds the family together.
All of the time she does it not for glory, but to see her child be great. She never asks for  
credit, It’s credit enough  for her to see her baby thriving. 
She does it because the love she has for you is stronger than anything, no matter what Mom 
will be there with unconditional love. All because she loves you so much

Book: Reflection on the Important Things