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Physical Education Poems

These Physical Education poems are examples of Education poems about Physical. These are the best examples of Education Physical poems written by international poets.

Premium Member The Laughing Master, Vignettes

We are Time Travelers
Caught sharing in these Earth-living moments
Within Linear-time, here to there 

Held in a Shine, by feral forces 
Vying for profit control 

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Categories: adventure, dream, education, fantasy,

Strong exercise of your brain take,
The stronger money you can make,
Weak exercise cause money to shake.

Proper physical exercise increase your health,
Proper mental exercise increase your...

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Categories: education, 10th grade, business, change,

I am, that which I am
No matter circumstances
Circumstances don't define me
For I am that I am
I am consciousness
The beacon of light
Clothed in a vessel

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Categories: education, africa, america, christian, creation,

Love is the source of reality
That gave birth to all source
Of creation and recreation
A soul to soul connection 
Heart to heart feelings.
You truly love a...

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Categories: education, allusion, beautiful, black love,

Premium Member IN THE NAME OF THE LORD '
I have set my face against them says the Lord..'
Those who would rule my posessions.' Those
Malcontents in infamy.. World leaders? These are
Merely world feeders.' Bottom...

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Categories: appreciation, confidence, education,

Premium Member Paying To Play
if you would be so kind,
join me
in striving to become 
less blind

Brilliant God says:
Give to your oppressively militarized government
weaponized suppressive
defensively repressive
straight white monotheistic privilege
paid for...

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Categories: community, culture, education, green,

Premium Member Epistrophe: History Begins At The End - P r o s e N o s e
When the ability to write manifested itself among the many learned minds, accounting, and recordkeeping too, had manifested as what has become known to be...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, appreciation, beautiful, education,

Premium Member Different Types of Reality
They’re different types of reality
Most will only believe in what they see
One reality is physical form
There’s also mental no need for alarm

When only a thought...

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: change, education, feelings, life,

Thinking Outside the Box When It Comes To Pensions
Am I really the only one thinking outside the box,
When it comes to pension costs,
Regardless of whether people are able to work or not,
With some...

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Categories: education, age, appreciation, autumn, blessing,

Premium Member Finding Your Reality
I hear again and again, of people searching for what is real,
But looking for the answers that they seek is like climbing up a hill.

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: education, introspection, people, self,

Religion and Self Slavary
Jesus answered ," Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again , but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed,...

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Categories: education, encouraging, inspirational, inspirational

Life Best Discipline
Life best displine, 
I can try to understand life, 
I can find stuck and progress 
Because I hate
to turn back to get a label 

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Categories: education, encouraging, inspirational, metaphor,

Premium Member Compassionate Education
Back in the day
of exclusively straight white male
****-retentive missionaries,
the Church

Whether monoculturally Catholic
(which may become an oxymoron
one enlightened day)
or Protestant,

But certainly not polytheistically ecstatic,
like a perfect...

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Categories: christian, culture, education, health,

Premium Member Therapeutic Climate
EarthMother grows impatient,
despite her curiosity driven
cooperative inviting polyculture
reconnection with SunFather's Great White
monotheistic climate
of Patriarchal-Capitalist classroom activity
RightHand saluting
salutary competitions.

Your historic move,
S/He dissonantly
defiantly intones,
from sacred polytheistic peak...

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Categories: culture, earth, education, health,

Bogu Qaghan's Conversion To Manichaeism
The Uyghur Empire’s ruler where the sun rarely blessed

Travelled to the Northern bank of the Luo in contemplation

And stayed in a tomb for three days...

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Categories: deep, education, history, religion,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things